280+ Original Greek Names with Meanings That You'll Love

Discover original Greek Names for girls, boys, and unisex; these are awesome names with traditional Greek charm.
Original Greek names come from way back in ancient Greece and are all about their myths, history, and what they thought was important. They can be names of gods and goddesses, famous people from history, or even stuff like nature or good qualities.
Let’s explore for original Greek names with meanings that highlight intelligence, strength, and beauty.
Table of Contents
Original Greek Names for Boys

Explore original Greek names for boys, each with its pronunciation and meaning rooted in Greek history:
- Achilles (uh-KIL-eez): Pain or distress
- Adonis (uh-DON-is): Handsome youth
- Aetios (ay-TEE-ohs): Eagle
- Agamemnon (ag-uh-MEM-non): Resolute and enduring
- Akakios (ah-KAH-kee-ohs): Innocent
- Alcander (al-KAN-der): Strong and brave
- Alekos (ah-LEH-kos): Defender of mankind
- Alexandros (ah-lek-SAHN-drohs): Defender of the people
- Alexios (ah-LEK-see-ohs): Defender of mankind
- Alkaios (al-KAY-ohs): Strong
- Anaxagoras (uh-NAK-suh-gor-uhs): Master of assembly
- Anaximander (uh-NAK-suh-man-duhr): Defender of men
- Andreas (ahn-DREH-uhs): Manly
- Anselm (AN-selm): Divine helmet
- Ares (AIR-eez): God of war
- Aristarchos (uh-RIS-tar-kohs): Best ruler
- Aristides (uh-RIS-ti-deez): Best kind of man
- Aristokles (uh-RIS-toh-kleez): Best glory
- Arsenios (ahr-SEE-nee-ohs): Virile, Potent
- Athanasios (ah-thuh-NAH-see-ohs): Immortal
- Atlas (AT-luhs): Support, Endurance
- Basilios (bah-SEE-lee-ohs): Royal, Kingly
- Cadmus (KAD-muhs): Founder of Thebes
- Callisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful
- Castor (KAS-tor): To shine
- Chariton (kuh-RYE-tuhn): Grace, Kindness
- Christos (KREES-tohs): Anointed one
- Chrysanthos (kris-AN-thohs): Golden flower
- Cleonides (KLEE-uh-ny-deez): Famous father
- Cyril (SEER-uhl): Lordly, Masterful
- Damian (DAY-mee-uhn): To tame, Subdue
- Damianos (dah-MEE-ah-nohs): To tame, Subdue
- Demetrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs): Follower of Demeter
- Demetrius (dih-MEE-tree-uhs): Follower of Demeter
- Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs): Follower of Demeter
- Dionysios (die-uh-NISH-ee-uhs): Of Dionysus
- Dionysius (die-uh-NISH-uhs): Of Dionysus
- Efstathios (ef-stah-THY-uhs): Stable, Steadfast
- Eleutherios (el-yoo-THEER-ee-ohs): Free
- Elias (ee-LYE-uhs): Jehovah is God
- Epaminondas (ep-uh-mi-NAHN-duhs): Upholder of glory
- Eros (AIR-ohs): Love
- Eudoxios (yoo-DOK-see-uhs): Good opinion
- Eustathios (yoo-STAY-thee-uhs): Well-built, Steadfast
- Evander (ee-VAN-duhr): Good man
- Evgenios (ev-JEN-ee-uhs): Noble
- Evripides (ev-REE-pi-deez): Good horse
- Galenos (guh-LEE-nohs): Tranquil
- Georgios (yor-YOH-see-ohs): Farmer, Earthworker
- Haralambos (hah-rah-LAHM-bohs): Joy, Happiness
- Hector (HEK-tor): Holding fast
- Helios (HEE-lee-ohs): Sun
- Heracles (HER-uh-kleez): Glory of Hera
- Herakles (HEHR-uh-kleez): Glory of Hera
- Iason (YAH-sohn): Healer
- Iasonas (yah-soh-NAHS): Healer
- Icarus (IK-uh-ruhs): Follower
- Ioannis (yoh-AHN-nees): God is gracious
- Isidoros (ee-SEE-daw-rohs): Gift of Isis
- Jason (JAY-suhn): Healer
- Kallias (KAL-ee-uhs): Beautiful
- Kleon (KLEE-on): Famous
- Konstantinos (kohn-STAHN-tee-nohs): Constant
- Kostas (KOH-stahs): Constant
- Kyros (KIE-rohs): Supreme ruler
- Leander (lee-AN-duhr): Lion-man
- Leandros (lee-AN-drohs): Lion-man
- Leonidas (lee-oh-NEE-duhs): Lion-like
- Lycurgus (LYE-kur-guhs): Wolf work
- Lykos (LYE-kohs): Wolf
- Lysander (LY-san-duhr): Liberator
- Menander (men-AN-duhr): Strength of the moon
- Menelaos (men-uh-LAY-uhs): Wrath of the people
- Midas (MYE-duhs): King
- Miltiades (mil-TIE-uh-deez): Red earth
- Myron (MY-ron): Myrrh
- Neoptolemus (nee-op-TOL-uh-muhs): New warrior
- Nestor (NES-tor): Traveler
- Nikandros (nik-AN-drohs): Victory of man
- Niketas (nik-EE-tuhs): Victor
- Nikolas (ni-KOH-luhs): Victory of the people
- Odysseus (oh-DIS-ee-uhs): Wrathful
- Odyssios (oh-DIS-ee-uhs): Wrathful
- Orestes (oh-RES-teez): Mountain dweller
- Origenes (awr-IJ-uh-neez): Son of the true
- Orpheus (AWR-fee-uhs): Dark voice
- Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-tuhs): All-holy
- Pantaleon (pan-TAY-lee-awn): Lion of all
- Pericles (PER-i-kleez): Surrounded by glory
- Perseus (PUR-see-uhs): To destroy
- Petros (PEH-trohs): Rock
- Phoebus (FEE-buhs): Shining
- Plato (PLAY-toh): Broad-shouldered
- Plutarch (PLOO-tahrk): Wealthy
- Ptolemaios (toh-LEM-ee-uhs): Warlike
- Ptolemy (TAH-leh-mee): Warlike
- Pyrrhus (PEER-uhs): Flame-colored
- Pythagoras (pih-THAG-uh-ruhs): Speaker of truth
- Seraphim (SER-uh-fim): Fiery ones
- Socrates (SOK-ruh-teez): Wisdom
- Solon (SOH-luhn): Wisdom
- Sophocles (SOF-uh-kleez): Skilled
- Soterios (soh-TAY-ree-ohs): Savior
- Spiros (SPEER-uhs): Basket
- Stavros (STAH-vrohs): Cross
- Stefanos (STEH-fuh-nohs): Crown
- Thanos (THAH-nohs): Immortal
- Themistocles (thuh-MIS-tuh-kleez): Glory of the law
- Theodoros (thee-AW-duh-rohs): Gift of God
- Theokritos (thee-AW-kree-tuhs): God’s judge
- Theophanes (thee-AW-fay-neez): Manifestation of God
- Theseus (THEE-see-uhs): To set
- Triton (TRY-tuhn): Son of Poseidon
- Vasilios (vah-SEE-lee-uhs): King
- Vassilis (vah-SEE-lees): King
- Xanthippos (ZAN-thi-puhs): Yellow horse
- Xanthos (ZAN-thohs): Yellow
- Xenon (ZEE-non): Foreigner
- Xenophon (ZEE-nuh-fahn): Strange voice
- Zenon (ZEE-non): Stranger
- Zephyros (ZEF-i-ros): West wind
Original Greek Names for Girls

Discover original Greek names for girls, each with its pronunciation and meaning steeped in Greek culture:
- Aella (AY-luh): Whirlwind
- Agape (AH-gah-pee): Love
- Aikaterine (ay-kah-tuh-REE-nee): Pure
- Aletheia (ah-LEE-thee-ah): Truth
- Althea (al-THEE-ah): Healing
- Amara (ah-MAH-rah): Eternal
- Amarantha (ah-muh-RAN-thuh): Unfading
- Ambrosia (am-BROH-zhuh): Immortal
- Anastasia (ah-nah-STAH-see-ah): Resurrection
- Andromeda (an-DROM-uh-duh): Ruler of men
- Anthea (AN-thee-ah): Flower-like
- Anthousa (an-THOO-suh): Flower
- Antikleia (an-ti-KLEE-uh): Against glory
- Aphrodite (af-roh-DYE-tee): Goddess of love
- Apollonia (ah-poh-LOH-nee-ah): Belonging to Apollo
- Arachne (uh-RAK-nee): Spider
- Arete (ah-REE-tee): Excellence
- Ariadne (ar-ee-AD-nee): Most holy
- Artemis (AR-tuh-mis): Goddess of the hunt
- Artemisia (ar-tuh-MEE-zee-ah): Dedicated to Artemis
- Asteria (ah-STEER-ee-ah): Starry one
- Astraea (ah-STREE-uh): Star-maiden
- Atalanta (at-uh-LAN-tuh): Balanced
- Athena (uh-THEE-nuh): Goddess of wisdom
- Calliope (kuh-LYE-uh-pee): Beautiful voice
- Calypso (kuh-LIP-soh): Concealer
- Cassandra (kuh-SAN-druh): Inflaming men
- Cassiopeia (kas-ee-uh-PEE-uh): Boastful queen
- Charis (KAR-is): Grace
- Chloe (KLOH-ee): Blooming
- Chloris (KLAW-ris): Pale green
- Chrysanthe (kris-AN-thee): Golden flower
- Cleopatra (klee-uh-PAT-ruh): Glory of the father
- Clio (KLEE-oh): Glory
- Corinna (koh-RIN-uh): Maiden
- Cybele (sai-BE-lee): Mother of gods
- Damara (duh-MAH-ruh): Gentle
- Daphne (DAF-nee): Laurel tree
- Demetria (di-MEE-tree-uh): Earth mother
- Despoina (des-POY-nuh): Mistress
- Doris (DAW-ris): Gift
- Echo (EK-oh): Sound
- Eirene (eye-REE-nee): Peace
- Elara (ee-LAH-ruh): Bright
- Electra (i-LEK-truh): Bright, Shining
- Elpis (EL-pis): Hope
- Eos (EE-ohs): Dawn
- Eudora (yoo-DOR-uh): Good gift
- Eumelia (yoo-MEE-lee-uh): Melody
- Eunike (yoo-NYE-kee): Victory
- Euphemia (yoo-FEE-mee-uh): Well-spoken
- Euphrasia (yoo-FRAY-zhuh): Cheerfulness
- Eurydice (yoo-RID-uh-see): Wide justice
- Euthalia (yoo-THAY-lee-uh): Blooming
- Euthymia (yoo-THIM-ee-uh): Cheerfulness
- Eutropia (yoo-TROH-pee-uh): Good direction
- Gaia (GAY-uh): Earth
- Galatea (gal-uh-TEE-uh): White as milk
- Galene (gal-EEN): Tranquility
- Harmonia (har-MOH-nee): Harmony
- Hecate (HEK-uh-tee): Goddess of magic
- Helena (heh-LEE-nah): Bright, Shining
- Hera (HEER-uh): Queen of the gods
- Hermione (her-MY-oh-nee): Messenger
- Hestia (HES-tee-uh): Goddess of hearth and home
- Hyacinthia (hy-uh-SIN-thee-uh): Hyacinth flower
- Hypatia (hy-PAY-shuh): Highest
- Ianthe (eye-AN-thee): Violet flower
- Iliana (il-ee-AH-nah): Bright
- Iole (eye-OH-lee): Violet
- Iphigenia (if-uh-juh-NYE-uh): Strong-born
- Irene (eye-REEN): Peace
- Iris (EYE-ris): Rainbow
- Isadora (iz-uh-DOR-uh): Gift of Isis
- Ismene (iz-MEE-nee): Knowledge
- Isolde (IZ-olde): Fair
- Kallisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful
- Kore (KOH-ray): Maiden
- Kynthia (KIN-thee-uh): Moon goddess
- Leda (LEE-duh): Happy
- Lyra (LY-ruh): Lyre
- Lysandra (ly-SAN-druh): Freeing man
- Melaina (mel-AY-nah): Dark
- Melia (MEE-lee-uh): Ash tree
- Melissa (muh-LIS-uh): Bee
- Mneme (NEE-mee): Memory
- Myrrhine (MUR-in): Myrrh
- Myrto (MEER-toh): Myrtle
- Naiad (NAY-ad): Water nymph
- Nephele (NEF-uh-lee): Cloud
- Nereia (nuh-REE-uh): Sea nymph
- Nike (NY-kee): Victory
- Niobe (NY-oh-bee): Fern
- Nyx (NIKS): Night
- Olympia (oh-LIM-pee-uh): From Mount Olympus
- Ophelia (oh-FEE-lee-uh): Help
- Penelope (puh-NEL-uh-pee): Weaver
- Persephone (per-SEF-uh-nee): Bringer of destruction
- Phaedra (FEE-druh): Bright
- Phoebe (FEE-bee): Bright, shining
- Rhea (REE-uh): Earth
- Selene (suh-LEE-nee): Moon
- Sophia (so-FEE-uh): Wisdom
- Thais (TAY-ees): Bandage
- Thalassa (tha-LAH-suh): Sea
- Thalia (THAY-lee-uh): Blooming
- Theia (THEE-uh): Goddess
- Xanthe (ZAN-thee): Yellow
- Zenobia (zuh-NOH-bee-uh): Zenith
- Zephyra (ZEF-uh-ruh): West wind
- Zephyrine (ZEF-uh-reen): West wind
Gender Neutral Original Greek Names

Here are some original Greek names that could be seen as gender-neutral, along with their pronunciation and meanings:
- Adrasteia (ad-RAS-tee-uh): Inescapable
- Aether (AY-thur): Upper sky
- Agapi (ah-GAH-pee): Love
- Alexis (uh-LEK-sis): Defender
- Andros (AN-dros): Man, warrior
- Ariston (uh-RIS-tahn): Best
- Athos (AY-thos): Sacred mountain
- Danae (DAN-ay): God is my judge
- Dion (DY-on): God
- Dorian (DOHR-ee-uhn): Of Doris
- Eleni (eh-LEH-nee): Torch, Bright
- Eris (EH-ris): Strife
- Evan (EH-vuhn): Young warrior
- Gaea (GEE-uh): Earth
- Galen (GAY-luhn): Tranquil
- Haris (HAH-ris): Grace
- Ilios (EE-lee-ohs): Sun
- Kallirhoe (kuh-LEER-oh-ee): Beautiful stream
- Kalos (KAY-lohs): Beautiful
- Karpos (KAHR-pohs): Fruit
- Kassandros (kah-SAN-dros): Shining upon man
- Kleisthenes (KLYS-thee-neez): Glory of the father
- Kleitos (KLY-tos): Famous
- Kleo (KLEE-oh): Glory
- Klonis (KLOH-nees): Renowned
- Kloros (KLOH-rohs): Green
- Kosmas (KOS-mahs): Order
- Kyriakos (ky-ree-AH-kohs): Belonging to the Lord
- Kyrie (KY-ree): Lord
- Leon (LEE-ahn): Lion
- Leukippos (LOO-kih-pos): White horse
- Linus (LY-nus): Flaxen
- Lycos (LY-kohs): Wolf
- Melos (MEE-lohs): Song
- Milan (MEE-lahn): Gracious, dear
- Oleander (OH-lee-an-der): Hardy, strong
- Orion (oh-RY-uhn): Rising in the sky
- Phaedrus (FEE-drus): Bright
- Phoibe (FOY-bee): Bright, radiant
- Pyrrhos (PIR-ohs): Flame-colored
- Sami (SAM-ee): Bright
- Takis (TAH-kees): All-holy
- Thallo (THAL-oh): To blossom
- Theros (THEH-rohs): Summer
- Thetis (THEE-tis): Disposer
- Tyche (TY-kee): Fortune
- Zephyr (ZEF-er): West wind
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