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Exquisite Greek Names

280+ Original Greek Names with Meanings That You'll Love

280+ Original Greek Names with Meanings That You'll Love

Discover original Greek Names for girls, boys, and unisex; these are awesome names with traditional Greek charm.

Original Greek names come from way back in ancient Greece and are all about their myths, history, and what they thought was important. They can be names of gods and goddesses, famous people from history, or even stuff like nature or good qualities.

Let’s explore for original Greek names with meanings that highlight intelligence, strength, and beauty.

Original Greek Names for Boys

Explore original Greek names for boys, each with its pronunciation and meaning rooted in Greek history:

  1. Achilles (uh-KIL-eez): Pain or distress
  2. Adonis (uh-DON-is): Handsome youth
  3. Aetios (ay-TEE-ohs): Eagle
  4. Agamemnon (ag-uh-MEM-non): Resolute and enduring
  5. Akakios (ah-KAH-kee-ohs): Innocent
  6. Alcander (al-KAN-der): Strong and brave
  7. Alekos (ah-LEH-kos): Defender of mankind
  8. Alexandros (ah-lek-SAHN-drohs): Defender of the people
  9. Alexios (ah-LEK-see-ohs): Defender of mankind
  10. Alkaios (al-KAY-ohs): Strong
  11. Anaxagoras (uh-NAK-suh-gor-uhs): Master of assembly
  12. Anaximander (uh-NAK-suh-man-duhr): Defender of men
  13. Andreas (ahn-DREH-uhs): Manly
  14. Anselm (AN-selm): Divine helmet
  15. Ares (AIR-eez): God of war
  16. Aristarchos (uh-RIS-tar-kohs): Best ruler
  17. Aristides (uh-RIS-ti-deez): Best kind of man
  18. Aristokles (uh-RIS-toh-kleez): Best glory
  19. Arsenios (ahr-SEE-nee-ohs): Virile, Potent
  20. Athanasios (ah-thuh-NAH-see-ohs): Immortal
  21. Atlas (AT-luhs): Support, Endurance
  22. Basilios (bah-SEE-lee-ohs): Royal, Kingly
  23. Cadmus (KAD-muhs): Founder of Thebes
  24. Callisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful
  25. Castor (KAS-tor): To shine
  26. Chariton (kuh-RYE-tuhn): Grace, Kindness
  27. Christos (KREES-tohs): Anointed one
  28. Chrysanthos (kris-AN-thohs): Golden flower
  29. Cleonides (KLEE-uh-ny-deez): Famous father
  30. Cyril (SEER-uhl): Lordly, Masterful
  31. Damian (DAY-mee-uhn): To tame, Subdue
  32. Damianos (dah-MEE-ah-nohs): To tame, Subdue
  33. Demetrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs): Follower of Demeter
  34. Demetrius (dih-MEE-tree-uhs): Follower of Demeter
  35. Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs): Follower of Demeter
  36. Dionysios (die-uh-NISH-ee-uhs): Of Dionysus
  37. Dionysius (die-uh-NISH-uhs): Of Dionysus
  38. Efstathios (ef-stah-THY-uhs): Stable, Steadfast
  39. Eleutherios (el-yoo-THEER-ee-ohs): Free
  40. Elias (ee-LYE-uhs): Jehovah is God
  41. Epaminondas (ep-uh-mi-NAHN-duhs): Upholder of glory
  42. Eros (AIR-ohs): Love
  43. Eudoxios (yoo-DOK-see-uhs): Good opinion
  44. Eustathios (yoo-STAY-thee-uhs): Well-built, Steadfast
  45. Evander (ee-VAN-duhr): Good man
  46. Evgenios (ev-JEN-ee-uhs): Noble
  47. Evripides (ev-REE-pi-deez): Good horse
  48. Galenos (guh-LEE-nohs): Tranquil
  49. Georgios (yor-YOH-see-ohs): Farmer, Earthworker
  50. Haralambos (hah-rah-LAHM-bohs): Joy, Happiness
  51. Hector (HEK-tor): Holding fast
  52. Helios (HEE-lee-ohs): Sun
  53. Heracles (HER-uh-kleez): Glory of Hera
  54. Herakles (HEHR-uh-kleez): Glory of Hera
  55. Iason (YAH-sohn): Healer
  56. Iasonas (yah-soh-NAHS): Healer
  57. Icarus (IK-uh-ruhs): Follower
  58. Ioannis (yoh-AHN-nees): God is gracious
  59. Isidoros (ee-SEE-daw-rohs): Gift of Isis
  60. Jason (JAY-suhn): Healer
  61. Kallias (KAL-ee-uhs): Beautiful
  62. Kleon (KLEE-on): Famous
  63. Konstantinos (kohn-STAHN-tee-nohs): Constant
  64. Kostas (KOH-stahs): Constant
  65. Kyros (KIE-rohs): Supreme ruler
  66. Leander (lee-AN-duhr): Lion-man
  67. Leandros (lee-AN-drohs): Lion-man
  68. Leonidas (lee-oh-NEE-duhs): Lion-like
  69. Lycurgus (LYE-kur-guhs): Wolf work
  70. Lykos (LYE-kohs): Wolf
  71. Lysander (LY-san-duhr): Liberator
  72. Menander (men-AN-duhr): Strength of the moon
  73. Menelaos (men-uh-LAY-uhs): Wrath of the people
  74. Midas (MYE-duhs): King
  75. Miltiades (mil-TIE-uh-deez): Red earth
  76. Myron (MY-ron): Myrrh
  77. Neoptolemus (nee-op-TOL-uh-muhs): New warrior
  78. Nestor (NES-tor): Traveler
  79. Nikandros (nik-AN-drohs): Victory of man
  80. Niketas (nik-EE-tuhs): Victor
  81. Nikolas (ni-KOH-luhs): Victory of the people
  82. Odysseus (oh-DIS-ee-uhs): Wrathful
  83. Odyssios (oh-DIS-ee-uhs): Wrathful
  84. Orestes (oh-RES-teez): Mountain dweller
  85. Origenes (awr-IJ-uh-neez): Son of the true
  86. Orpheus (AWR-fee-uhs): Dark voice
  87. Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-tuhs): All-holy
  88. Pantaleon (pan-TAY-lee-awn): Lion of all
  89. Pericles (PER-i-kleez): Surrounded by glory
  90. Perseus (PUR-see-uhs): To destroy
  91. Petros (PEH-trohs): Rock
  92. Phoebus (FEE-buhs): Shining
  93. Plato (PLAY-toh): Broad-shouldered
  94. Plutarch (PLOO-tahrk): Wealthy
  95. Ptolemaios (toh-LEM-ee-uhs): Warlike
  96. Ptolemy (TAH-leh-mee): Warlike
  97. Pyrrhus (PEER-uhs): Flame-colored
  98. Pythagoras (pih-THAG-uh-ruhs): Speaker of truth
  99. Seraphim (SER-uh-fim): Fiery ones
  100. Socrates (SOK-ruh-teez): Wisdom
  101. Solon (SOH-luhn): Wisdom
  102. Sophocles (SOF-uh-kleez): Skilled
  103. Soterios (soh-TAY-ree-ohs): Savior
  104. Spiros (SPEER-uhs): Basket
  105. Stavros (STAH-vrohs): Cross
  106. Stefanos (STEH-fuh-nohs): Crown
  107. Thanos (THAH-nohs): Immortal
  108. Themistocles (thuh-MIS-tuh-kleez): Glory of the law
  109. Theodoros (thee-AW-duh-rohs): Gift of God
  110. Theokritos (thee-AW-kree-tuhs): God’s judge
  111. Theophanes (thee-AW-fay-neez): Manifestation of God
  112. Theseus (THEE-see-uhs): To set
  113. Triton (TRY-tuhn): Son of Poseidon
  114. Vasilios (vah-SEE-lee-uhs): King
  115. Vassilis (vah-SEE-lees): King
  116. Xanthippos (ZAN-thi-puhs): Yellow horse
  117. Xanthos (ZAN-thohs): Yellow
  118. Xenon (ZEE-non): Foreigner
  119. Xenophon (ZEE-nuh-fahn): Strange voice
  120. Zenon (ZEE-non): Stranger
  121. Zephyros (ZEF-i-ros): West wind

Original Greek Names for Girls

Discover original Greek names for girls, each with its pronunciation and meaning steeped in Greek culture:

  1. Aella (AY-luh): Whirlwind
  2. Agape (AH-gah-pee): Love
  3. Aikaterine (ay-kah-tuh-REE-nee): Pure
  4. Aletheia (ah-LEE-thee-ah): Truth
  5. Althea (al-THEE-ah): Healing
  6. Amara (ah-MAH-rah): Eternal
  7. Amarantha (ah-muh-RAN-thuh): Unfading
  8. Ambrosia (am-BROH-zhuh): Immortal
  9. Anastasia (ah-nah-STAH-see-ah): Resurrection
  10. Andromeda (an-DROM-uh-duh): Ruler of men
  11. Anthea (AN-thee-ah): Flower-like
  12. Anthousa (an-THOO-suh): Flower
  13. Antikleia (an-ti-KLEE-uh): Against glory
  14. Aphrodite (af-roh-DYE-tee): Goddess of love
  15. Apollonia (ah-poh-LOH-nee-ah): Belonging to Apollo
  16. Arachne (uh-RAK-nee): Spider
  17. Arete (ah-REE-tee): Excellence
  18. Ariadne (ar-ee-AD-nee): Most holy
  19. Artemis (AR-tuh-mis): Goddess of the hunt
  20. Artemisia (ar-tuh-MEE-zee-ah): Dedicated to Artemis
  21. Asteria (ah-STEER-ee-ah): Starry one
  22. Astraea (ah-STREE-uh): Star-maiden
  23. Atalanta (at-uh-LAN-tuh): Balanced
  24. Athena (uh-THEE-nuh): Goddess of wisdom
  25. Calliope (kuh-LYE-uh-pee): Beautiful voice
  26. Calypso (kuh-LIP-soh): Concealer
  27. Cassandra (kuh-SAN-druh): Inflaming men
  28. Cassiopeia (kas-ee-uh-PEE-uh): Boastful queen
  29. Charis (KAR-is): Grace
  30. Chloe (KLOH-ee): Blooming
  31. Chloris (KLAW-ris): Pale green
  32. Chrysanthe (kris-AN-thee): Golden flower
  33. Cleopatra (klee-uh-PAT-ruh): Glory of the father
  34. Clio (KLEE-oh): Glory
  35. Corinna (koh-RIN-uh): Maiden
  36. Cybele (sai-BE-lee): Mother of gods
  37. Damara (duh-MAH-ruh): Gentle
  38. Daphne (DAF-nee): Laurel tree
  39. Demetria (di-MEE-tree-uh): Earth mother
  40. Despoina (des-POY-nuh): Mistress
  41. Doris (DAW-ris): Gift
  42. Echo (EK-oh): Sound
  43. Eirene (eye-REE-nee): Peace
  44. Elara (ee-LAH-ruh): Bright
  45. Electra (i-LEK-truh): Bright, Shining
  46. Elpis (EL-pis): Hope
  47. Eos (EE-ohs): Dawn
  48. Eudora (yoo-DOR-uh): Good gift
  49. Eumelia (yoo-MEE-lee-uh): Melody
  50. Eunike (yoo-NYE-kee): Victory
  51. Euphemia (yoo-FEE-mee-uh): Well-spoken
  52. Euphrasia (yoo-FRAY-zhuh): Cheerfulness
  53. Eurydice (yoo-RID-uh-see): Wide justice
  54. Euthalia (yoo-THAY-lee-uh): Blooming
  55. Euthymia (yoo-THIM-ee-uh): Cheerfulness
  56. Eutropia (yoo-TROH-pee-uh): Good direction
  57. Gaia (GAY-uh): Earth
  58. Galatea (gal-uh-TEE-uh): White as milk
  59. Galene (gal-EEN): Tranquility
  60. Harmonia (har-MOH-nee): Harmony
  61. Hecate (HEK-uh-tee): Goddess of magic
  62. Helena (heh-LEE-nah): Bright, Shining
  63. Hera (HEER-uh): Queen of the gods
  64. Hermione (her-MY-oh-nee): Messenger
  65. Hestia (HES-tee-uh): Goddess of hearth and home
  66. Hyacinthia (hy-uh-SIN-thee-uh): Hyacinth flower
  67. Hypatia (hy-PAY-shuh): Highest
  68. Ianthe (eye-AN-thee): Violet flower
  69. Iliana (il-ee-AH-nah): Bright
  70. Iole (eye-OH-lee): Violet
  71. Iphigenia (if-uh-juh-NYE-uh): Strong-born
  72. Irene (eye-REEN): Peace
  73. Iris (EYE-ris): Rainbow
  74. Isadora (iz-uh-DOR-uh): Gift of Isis
  75. Ismene (iz-MEE-nee): Knowledge
  76. Isolde (IZ-olde): Fair
  77. Kallisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful
  78. Kore (KOH-ray): Maiden
  79. Kynthia (KIN-thee-uh): Moon goddess
  80. Leda (LEE-duh): Happy
  81. Lyra (LY-ruh): Lyre
  82. Lysandra (ly-SAN-druh): Freeing man
  83. Melaina (mel-AY-nah): Dark
  84. Melia (MEE-lee-uh): Ash tree
  85. Melissa (muh-LIS-uh): Bee
  86. Mneme (NEE-mee): Memory
  87. Myrrhine (MUR-in): Myrrh
  88. Myrto (MEER-toh): Myrtle
  89. Naiad (NAY-ad): Water nymph
  90. Nephele (NEF-uh-lee): Cloud
  91. Nereia (nuh-REE-uh): Sea nymph
  92. Nike (NY-kee): Victory
  93. Niobe (NY-oh-bee): Fern
  94. Nyx (NIKS): Night
  95. Olympia (oh-LIM-pee-uh): From Mount Olympus
  96. Ophelia (oh-FEE-lee-uh): Help
  97. Penelope (puh-NEL-uh-pee): Weaver
  98. Persephone (per-SEF-uh-nee): Bringer of destruction
  99. Phaedra (FEE-druh): Bright
  100. Phoebe (FEE-bee): Bright, shining
  101. Rhea (REE-uh): Earth
  102. Selene (suh-LEE-nee): Moon
  103. Sophia (so-FEE-uh): Wisdom
  104. Thais (TAY-ees): Bandage
  105. Thalassa (tha-LAH-suh): Sea
  106. Thalia (THAY-lee-uh): Blooming
  107. Theia (THEE-uh): Goddess
  108. Xanthe (ZAN-thee): Yellow
  109. Zenobia (zuh-NOH-bee-uh): Zenith
  110. Zephyra (ZEF-uh-ruh): West wind
  111. Zephyrine (ZEF-uh-reen): West wind

Gender Neutral Original Greek Names

Here are some original Greek names that could be seen as gender-neutral, along with their pronunciation and meanings:

  1. Adrasteia (ad-RAS-tee-uh): Inescapable
  2. Aether (AY-thur): Upper sky
  3. Agapi (ah-GAH-pee): Love
  4. Alexis (uh-LEK-sis): Defender
  5. Andros (AN-dros): Man, warrior
  6. Ariston (uh-RIS-tahn): Best
  7. Athos (AY-thos): Sacred mountain
  8. Danae (DAN-ay): God is my judge
  9. Dion (DY-on): God
  10. Dorian (DOHR-ee-uhn): Of Doris
  11. Eleni (eh-LEH-nee): Torch, Bright
  12. Eris (EH-ris): Strife
  13. Evan (EH-vuhn): Young warrior
  14. Gaea (GEE-uh): Earth
  15. Galen (GAY-luhn): Tranquil
  16. Haris (HAH-ris): Grace
  17. Ilios (EE-lee-ohs): Sun
  18. Kallirhoe (kuh-LEER-oh-ee): Beautiful stream
  19. Kalos (KAY-lohs): Beautiful
  20. Karpos (KAHR-pohs): Fruit
  21. Kassandros (kah-SAN-dros): Shining upon man
  22. Kleisthenes (KLYS-thee-neez): Glory of the father
  23. Kleitos (KLY-tos): Famous
  24. Kleo (KLEE-oh): Glory
  25. Klonis (KLOH-nees): Renowned
  26. Kloros (KLOH-rohs): Green
  27. Kosmas (KOS-mahs): Order
  28. Kyriakos (ky-ree-AH-kohs): Belonging to the Lord
  29. Kyrie (KY-ree): Lord
  30. Leon (LEE-ahn): Lion
  31. Leukippos (LOO-kih-pos): White horse
  32. Linus (LY-nus): Flaxen
  33. Lycos (LY-kohs): Wolf
  34. Melos (MEE-lohs): Song
  35. Milan (MEE-lahn): Gracious, dear
  36. Oleander (OH-lee-an-der): Hardy, strong
  37. Orion (oh-RY-uhn): Rising in the sky
  38. Phaedrus (FEE-drus): Bright
  39. Phoibe (FOY-bee): Bright, radiant
  40. Pyrrhos (PIR-ohs): Flame-colored
  41. Sami (SAM-ee): Bright
  42. Takis (TAH-kees): All-holy
  43. Thallo (THAL-oh): To blossom
  44. Theros (THEH-rohs): Summer
  45. Thetis (THEE-tis): Disposer
  46. Tyche (TY-kee): Fortune
  47. Zephyr (ZEF-er): West wind

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