69+ Greek Names That Mean Warrior

Looking for a powerful name for your little one? Read our list of “Greek Names That Mean Warrior”!
Whether you’re expecting a boy, a girl, or want a gender-neutral option, we’ve got you covered with names that pack a punch. From legendary heroes to valiant fighters, these Greek names are perfect for your little warrior. Plus, if you’re curious about warrior names from around the world, we’ve got those too.
Get ready to find a name that’s as strong and brave as your baby will be!
Table of Contents
Greek Names That Mean Warrior for Baby Girl

Greek Name (Greek Spelling) | Meaning |
Andie (Ανδία) | Manly, brave |
Andrea (Ανδρέα) | Manly, brave |
Andreana (Ανδρεάνα) | Feminine form of Andreas, manly, brave |
Andree (Ανδρέα) | Variation of Andrea, manly, brave |
Antandre (Αντανδρε) | Against men, warrior-like |
Brisies (Βρισίες) | Battle |
Drew (Ντριου) | Short form of Andrew, manly, brave |
Eloise (Ελουίζ) | Famous warrior, healthy, wide |
Enyo (Ένυω) | Greek goddess of war, strife |
Eris (Έρις) | Greek goddess of discord, strife |
Jessica (Τζέσικα) | Rich, God beholds |
Kelly (Κέλλυ) | Descendant of Ceallach, warrior |
Luisa (Λουίζα) | Famous warrior, renowned fighter |
Matilda (Ματίλντα) | Battle-mighty, strength in battle |
Maud (Μαντ) | Battle-mighty, strong in battle |
Ondrea (Ονδρέα) | Feminine form of Andreas, manly, brave |
Tyra (Τάιρα) | God of battle, thunder ruler |
Zenobea (Ζηνόβεα) | Life of Zeus, strong, powerful |
Greek Names That Mean Warrior for Baby Boy

Greek Name (Greek Spelling) | Meaning |
Achilles (Αχιλλέας) | Pain, Lipless, hero of the Trojan War |
Aindriu (Ανδρέας) | Manly, brave |
Alexander (Αλέξανδρος) | Defender of mankind |
Alexandros (Αλέξανδρος) | Defender of mankind |
Alexio (Αλέξιος) | Defender, helper |
Alister (Αλέιστερ) | Defender of man |
Alkeides (Αλκείδης) | Son of Alkeus, strong, mighty |
Andor (Άντορ) | Warrior, eagle |
Andras (Ανδράς) | Man, warrior |
Andre (Ανδρέας) | Manly, brave |
Andreas (Ανδρέας) | Manly, brave |
Andrew (Ανδρέας) | Manly, brave |
Andries (Ανδρέας) | Manly, brave |
Andris (Ανδρέας) | Manly, brave |
Andro (Άντρο) | Manly, brave |
Antero (Αντέρο) | Favorable, one who is in front |
Antreas (Αντρέας) | Manly, brave |
Antti (Άντι) | Manly, brave |
Ares (Άρης) | Greek god of war |
Ariston (Αρίστων) | Best, excellent, noble |
Bandi (Μπάντι) | Variant of Andrew, manly, brave |
Diomedes (Διομήδης) | God-like cunning, mythological hero in the Trojan War |
Evaan (Έβαν) | Variant of Evan, young warrior |
Gerald (Γεράλδος) | Rule of the spear, ruler with a spear |
Hieronimo (Ιερώνυμος) | Sacred name, holy name |
Igor (Ίγκορ) | Warrior, warrior’s son |
Jedrzej (Γεντρέζ) | Variant of Andrew, manly, brave |
Kimball (Κίμπολ) | War leader, bold family |
Kolya (Κόλια) | Victory of the people |
Kyros (Κύρος) | Supreme ruler, sun, lord |
Leandros (Λέανδρος) | Lion-man, lion-like |
Leksander (Λέξανδρος) | Defender of mankind |
Leonidas (Λεωνίδας) | Lion’s son, lion-like |
Lex (Λεξ) | Defender of the people |
Nikias (Νικίας) | Victor, victorious |
Odysseus (Οδυσσέας) | Wrathful, Greek hero of the Odyssey |
Rainer (Ράινερ) | Wise army, wise warrior |
Sandro (Σάντρο) | Diminutive of Alexander, defender of mankind |
Teng (Τενγκ) | Firm, strong, solid |
Gender Neutral Greek Names That Mean Warrior

Greek Name (Greek Spelling) | Meaning |
Alexi (Αλέξης) | Defender of mankind, protector |
Ambrose (Αμβρόσιος) | Immortal, divine |
Andee (Ανδία) | Manly, brave |
Andra (Άνδρα) | Manly, brave |
Andy (Άντι) | Diminutive of Andrew, manly, brave |
Aris (Άρης) | Greek god of war, male name meaning “warlike” |
Artemis (Άρτεμις) | Greek goddess of the hunt and wilderness, strong, brave |
Kosta (Κώστας) | Constant, steadfast |
Thalassa (Θάλασσα) | Sea, symbolizes vastness, strength, and power |
Names That Mean Warrior in Different Languages

Name | Language/Culture | Meaning |
Adalgiso | Germanic | Noble, fighting spirit |
Aethelhere | Anglo-Saxon | Noble warrior |
Ainéad | Irish | Warrior |
Arata | Japanese | Fresh, new warrior |
Audhild | Norse | Wealthy warrior |
Bahadur | Persian | Warrior, brave |
Borislav | Slavic | Battle glory |
Cano | Spanish | Warrior |
Dharamveer | Sanskrit | Virtuous warrior |
Einar | Norwegian | Lone warrior |
Fintan | Celtic | White bull, warrior |
Gawain | Arthurian | White hawk, warrior |
Guerreiro | Portuguese | Warrior |
Hamza | Arabic | Lion, strong warrior |
Ivar | Scandinavian | Archer, warrior |
Kshatriya | Hindu | Warrior, knight |
Liam | Irish | Resolute protector, warrior |
Maelgwn | Welsh | Prince of warriors |
Murtagh | Irish | Battle lord, warrior |
Nerys | Welsh | Noble warrior |
Odilo | Germanic | Prosperous in battle |
Pwyll | Welsh | Chieftain, warrior |
Reka | Hungarian | Warlike |
Sigmund | Norse | Victorious protection |
Tarian | Welsh | Shield, warrior |
Uzoma | Igbo | Good road, warrior |
Varg | Norse | Wolf, warrior |
Zale | Slavic | Strong warrior |
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