160+ Best Greek Twin Girl Names with Meanings

Looking for Greek twin girl names? Well, you’re in luck! Our blog is all about Greek Twin Girl Names, and we’ve got over 160 awesome options for you.
Whether you want names that rhyme, start with the same letter, mean the same thing, follow a theme, or just want something short and sweet, we’ve got you covered. Stick around and let’s find the perfect names for your little duo together!
Table of Contents
Greek Twin Girl Names that Rhyme

- Agatha (ah-GAH-thah) and Martha (MAHR-thah)
- Agatha (Ἀγαθή): Good
- Martha (Μάρθα): Lady, mistress
- Aleka (ah-LEH-kah) and Erika (EH-ree-kah)
- Aleka (Ἀλέκα): Defender of mankind
- Erika (Έρικα): Eternal ruler
- Alethea (ah-LEE-thee-uh) and Anthea (AN-thee-uh)
- Alethea (Ἀλήθεια): Truth
- Anthea (Ἀνθέα): Flower-like, blooming
- Alexandra (ah-lek-SAHN-drah) and Cassandra (kan-DRA-sah)
- Alexandra (Ἀλεξάνδρα): Defender of mankind
- Cassandra (Κασσάνδρα): Shining upon man
- Alissa (ah-LEE-sah) and Marissa (muh-RIH-sah)
- Alissa (Ἄλυσσα): Protector of humanity
- Marissa (Μαρίσσα): Bitterness, rebellion
- Althea (al-THEE-uh) and Thea (THEE-uh)
- Althea (Ἀλθαία): Healing
- Thea (Θέα): Goddess, divine
- Anastasia (ah-nah-STAH-see-uh) and Natasha (nuh-TAH-shah)
- Anastasia (Ἀναστασία): Resurrection
- Natasha (Νατάσα): Born on Christmas Day
- Angeliki (ahn-geh-LEE-kee) and Niki (NEE-kee)
- Angeliki (Αγγελική): Angelic
- Niki (Νίκη): Victory
- Angelina (ahn-geh-LEE-nah) and Celina (seh-LEE-nah)
- Angelina (Αγγελίνα): Messenger of God
- Celina (Σελίνα): Moon, goddess of the moon
- Ariadne (ah-ree-AHD-nee) and Calypso (kuh-LIP-soh)
- Ariadne (Αριάδνη): Very holy, most holy
- Calypso (Καλυψώ): Concealer, coverer
- Ariadne (ah-ree-AHD-nee) and Evadne (eh-VAD-nee)
- Ariadne (Αριάδνη): Very holy, most holy
- Evadne (Ευάδνη): Good and holy
- Arianna (ah-ree-AHN-nah) and Gianna (jee-AHN-nah)
- Arianna (Αριάννα): Holy
- Gianna (Γιάννα): God is gracious
- Arista (ah-REE-stah) and Marista (muh-REE-stah)
- Arista (Αρίστα): Excellence
- Marista (Μαρίστα): Of the sea
- Athena (ah-THEE-nah) and Serena (seh-REE-nah)
- Athena (Ἀθηνᾶ): Goddess of wisdom and warfare
- Serena (Σερενά): Serene, calm
- Calliope (kuh-LYE-uh-pee) and Penelope (puh-NEHL-uh-pee)
- Calliope (Καλλιόπη): Beautiful voice
- Penelope (Πηνελόπη): Weaver
- Callista (kuh-LIS-tah) and Krista (KRIHS-tah)
- Callista (Καλλίστα): Most beautiful
- Krista (Κρίστα): Follower of Christ
- Christina (kris-TEE-nah) and Justina (juhs-TEE-nah)
- Christina (Χριστίνα): Follower of Christ
- Justina (Ιουστίνα): Just, fair
- Cleo (KLEE-oh) and Theo (THEE-oh)
- Cleo (Κλειώ): Glory
- Theo (Θεό): God
- Demetra (deh-MEH-trah) and Petra (PEH-trah)
- Demetra (Δήμητρα): Earth mother, goddess of agriculture
- Petra (Πέτρα): Rock, stone
- Elara (eh-LAH-rah) and Chiara (kee-AH-rah)
- Elara (Ελάρα): Bright, shining
- Chiara (Χιάρα): Bright, clear
- Elektra (eh-LEK-trah) and Petra (PEH-trah)
- Elektra (Ηλέκτρα): Shining, bright
- Petra (Πέτρα): Rock, stone
- Elena (eh-LEH-nah) and Helena (heh-LEH-nah)
- Elena (Έλενα): Bright, shining
- Helena (Ελένη): Torch, bright one
- Elena (eh-LEH-nah) and Selena (seh-LEH-nah)
- Elena (Έλενα): Bright, shining
- Selena (Σελήνη): Moon, goddess of the moon
- Evangeline (ee-van-jeh-LEEN) and Seraphine (SEH-ruh-feen)
- Evangeline (Ευαγγελία): Good news, bearer of good news
- Seraphine (Σεραφίνη): Fiery, burning ones
- Katerina (kah-teh-REE-nah) and Marina (mah-REE-nah)
- Katerina (Κατερίνα): Pure
- Marina (Μαρίνα): Of the sea
- Melina (meh-LEE-nah) and Selina (seh-LEE-nah)
- Melina (Μελίνα): Honey
- Selina (Σελήνη): Moon, goddess of the moon
- Rhea (REE-uh) and Leia (LAY-uh)
- Rhea (Ρέα): Flow, ease
- Leia (Λεία): Glad tidings, weasel
- Theodora (thee-uh-DOHR-uh) and Isadora (ihs-uh-DOHR-uh)
- Theodora (Θεοδώρα): Gift of God
- Isadora (Ισαδώρα): Gift of Isis
- Xanthe (ZAN-thee) and Anthe (AN-thee)
- Xanthe (Ξάνθη): Fair-haired, golden
- Anthe (Άνθη): Flower
- Zoe (ZOH-ee) and Chloe (KLOH-ee)
- Zoe (Ζωή): Life
- Chloe (Χλόη): Green shoot, young plant
Greek Twin Girl Names with the Same Letter

- Alexandra (ah-lek-SAHN-drah) and Anastasia (ah-nah-STAH-see-ah)
- Alexandra (Αλεξάνδρα): Defender of mankind
- Anastasia (Αναστασία): Resurrection, rebirth
- Arianna (ah-ree-AHN-nah) and Amelia (ah-MEE-lee-ah)
- Arianna (Αριάννα): Very holy, pure
- Amelia (Αμελία): Industrious, striving
- Ariella (ah-ree-EL-ah) and Antonia (ahn-TOH-nee-ah)
- Ariella (Αριέλλα): Lion of God
- Antonia (Αντωνία): Priceless, praiseworthy
- Calliope (kah-lee-OH-pee) and Cassiopeia (kah-see-oh-PEE-ah)
- Calliope (Καλλιόπη): Beautiful voice, beautiful face
- Cassiopeia (Κασσιόπεια): Boastful, vain
- Callista (kah-LEE-stah) and Celeste (seh-LEST)
- Callista (Καλλίστα): Most beautiful
- Celeste (Κελέστ): Heavenly
- Daphne (DAF-nee) and Daphnisia (daf-NIS-ee-ah)
- Daphne (Δάφνη): Laurel tree, bay tree
- Daphnisia (Δαφνίσια): Laurel wreath
- Demetra (deh-MEE-trah) and Dorothea (dawr-uh-THEE-ah)
- Demetra (Δήμητρα): Earth mother, harvest goddess
- Dorothea (Δωροθέα): Gift of God
- Demetria (deh-MEE-tree-ah) and Delia (DEE-lee-ah)
- Demetria (Δημητρία): Follower of Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Delia (Δέλια): From Delos, island of Artemis
- Eirene (eye-REE-nee) and Eleni (eh-LEH-nee)
- Eirene (Ειρήνη): Peace
- Eleni (Ελένη): Torch, bright one
- Engel (ENG-ehl) and Evangelia (ev-an-GEL-ee-ah)
- Engel (Έγγελ): Angel, messenger
- Evangelia (Ευαγγελία): Good news, gospel
- Felicity (feh-LIS-ih-tee) and Fiona (fee-OH-nah)
- Felicity (Ευτυχία): Happiness, good fortune
- Fiona (Φιόνα): Fair, white
- Flora (FLAW-rah) and Faye (fay)
- Flora (Φλώρα): Flower, bloom
- Faye (Φέη): Fairy, enchanting
- Galatea (gah-lah-TEE-ah) and Genevieve (JEN-uh-veev)
- Galatea (Γαλάτεια): Milk-white, ivory
- Genevieve (Γενεβιέβη): Race of women, tribe
- Georgia (JOR-jah) and Gabriella (gah-bree-EL-ah)
- Georgia (Γεωργία): Farmer, earth worker
- Gabriella (Γαβριέλλα): God is my strength
- Hagale (HAH-gah-lee) and Hagne (HAHG-nee)
- Hagale (Ἁγαλη): Festival, feast
- Hagne (Ἁγνη): Pure, holy
- Hedia (HEE-dee-ah) and Hedyla (he-DEE-lah)
- Hedia (Ηδία): Sweet, pleasant
- Hedyla (Ἡδύλη): Sweet, gentle
- Ida (EYE-duh) and Icah (EE-kah)
- Ida (Ἴδα): From Mount Ida, knowledge
- Icah (Ἴκα): Eagle
- Irene (eye-REEN) and Iaera (eye-AIR-ah)
- Irene (Ειρήνη): Peace
- Iaera (Ἰαέρα): Holy one
- Jacie (JAY-see) and Jacinta (hah-SEEN-tah)
- Jacie (Τζέισι): Combination of Jack and Jessie
- Jacinta (Ζακινθός): Hyacinth flower
- Jolan (YO-lan) and Jolinda (yoh-LIN-dah)
- Jolan (Ιολανδος): Violet flower
- Jolinda (Ιωλίνδα): Violet, lilac
- Kacie (KAY-see) and Kadie (KAY-dee)
- Kacie (Κάσι): Alert, vigilant
- Kadie (Κάδι): Pure
- Kary (KAH-ree) and Karysa (KAH-ree-sah)
- Kary (Κάρη): Head, chief
- Karysa (Κάρυσα): Nut tree
- Laica (LAY-kah) and Lyra (LEER-ah)
- Laica (Λάϊκα): Popular, of the people
- Lyra (Λύρα): Lyre, musical instrument
- Lea (LEE-ah) and Lina (LEE-nah)
- Lea (Λεά): Glad tidings, weary
- Lina (Λίνα): Pure, tender
- Mariana (mah-ree-AH-nah) and Melinda (meh-LIN-dah)
- Mariana (Μαριάννα): Of the sea, grace
- Melinda (Μελίντα): Sweet, dark-haired
- Melina (meh-LEE-nah) and Marina (mah-REE-nah)
- Melina (Μελίνα): Honey, bee
- Marina (Μαρίνα): Of the sea
- Nadia (NAH-dee-ah) and Nacola (nah-KOH-lah)
- Nadia (Νάντια): Hope
- Nacola (Νικόλα): Victory of the people
- Naia (NIE-ah) and Nastya (NAHS-tyah)
- Naia (Ναΐα): Flowing water, wave
- Nastya (Ναστία): Resurrection
- Obelia (oh-BEE-lee-ah) and Ocilia (oh-SEE-lee-ah)
- Obelia (Οβελία): Needle, little stick
- Ocilia (Ωκελία): Swift
- Oceana (oh-SEE-ah-nah) and Odessa (oh-DESS-ah)
- Oceana (Ωκεανία): Ocean, sea
- Odessa (Οδέσσα): Journey, long voyage
- Pandora (pan-DOH-rah) and Pamala (pah-MAH-lah)
- Pandora (Πανδώρα): Gifted, all-giving
- Pamala (Παμελα): All sweetness
- Penelope (peh-NEL-uh-pee) and Persephone (per-SEF-uh-nee)
- Penelope (Πηνελόπη): Weaver, duck
- Persephone (Περσεφόνη): Bringer of destruction, bringer of death
- Quiana (KEE-ah-nah) and Querida (keh-REE-dah)
- Quiana (Κιάνα): Gracious, celestial
- Querida (Κερίδα): Beloved, darling
- Rhea (REE-ah) and Rosalind (ROZ-uh-lind)
- Rhea (Ρέα): Flowing, stream
- Rosalind (Ροζαλίντ): Beautiful rose
- Selena (seh-LEE-nah) and Serena (seh-REE-nah)
- Selena (Σελήνη): Moon
- Serena (Σερένα): Serene, calm
- Sophia (soh-FEE-ah) and Stella (STEL-ah)
- Sophia (Σοφία): Wisdom
- Stella (Στέλλα): Star
- Taanya (TAHN-yah) and Taddea (tah-DAY-ah)
- Taanya (Τάνια): Fairy queen, star
- Taddea (Ταδέα): Praise, courage
- Thalia (THAY-lee-ah) and Theodora (thee-uh-DOR-ah)
- Thalia (Θάλεια): Blossoming, abundance
- Theodora (Θεοδώρα): Gift of God
- Ula (OO-lah) and Una (OO-nah)
- Ula (Ούλα): Wealthy, jewel
- Una (Ούνα): One, unity
- Ursa (UR-suh) and Uxia (OO-ksee-ah)
- Ursa (Ουρσά): Bear
- Uxia (Ουξία): Good luck, fortune
- Velma (VEL-mah) and Vera (VEER-ah)
- Velma (Βέλμα): Protector, defender
- Vera (Βέρα): Truth
- Vera (VEER-ah) and Veneshia (veh-NEE-shah)
- Vera (Βέρα): Faith, truth
- Veneshia (Βενεσία): Venetian, from Venice
- Xanthe (ZAN-thee) and Xenia (ZEE-nee-ah)
- Xanthe (Ξάνθη): Yellow, blonde
- Xenia (Ξένια): Hospitality, guest-friendship
- Xeena (ZEE-nah) and Xela (ZAY-lah)
- Xeena (Ξενα): Foreigner, hospitable
- Xela (Ξέλα): Dawn, light
- Yara (YAH-rah) and Yarina (yah-REE-nah)
- Yara (Γιάρα): Butterfly
- Yarina (Γιαρίνα): Gracious, beautiful
- Yonie (YOH-nee) and Yola (YOH-lah)
- Yonie (Γιωνί): Gift of God
- Yola (Γιόλα): Violet flower
- Zara (ZAH-rah) and Zale (ZAYL)
- Zara (Ζάρα): Princess, flower
- Zale (Ζαλή): Sea strength, power
- Zea (ZEE-ah) and Zeeba (ZEE-bah)
- Zea (Ζέα): Light, brightness
- Zeeba (Ζίμπα): Lovely, beautiful
Greek Twin Girl Names with the Same Meaning

- Acantha (ah-KAN-thah) and Daphne (DAF-nee)
- Acantha (Ἀκάνθα): Thorn, spine
- Daphne (Δάφνη): Laurel tree, victory
- Agape (AH-gah-pay) and Philia (FEE-lee-ah)
- Agape (Ἀγάπη): Love, affection
- Philia (Φιλία): Friendship, love
- Alexia (ah-LEK-see-ah) and Andrea (ahn-DRE-ah)
- Alexia (Ἀλεξία): Defender of mankind
- Andrea (Ἀνδρέα): Manly, brave
- Althea (al-THEE-ah) and Althaea (al-THEE-ah)
- Althea (Ἀλθαία): Healing, wholesome
- Althaea (Ἀλθαία): Healer, healer of wounds
- Anastasia (ah-nah-STAH-see-ah) and Dawn
- Anastasia (Ἀναστασία): Resurrection, rebirth
- Dawn: Morning, daybreak
- Aria (AH-ree-ah) and Melody (MEL-uh-dee)
- Aria (Ἀρία): Melody, song
- Melody (Μελῳδία): Music, song
- Callista (kah-LEE-stah) and Eudora (yoo-DOH-rah)
- Callista (Καλλίστα): Most beautiful
- Eudora (Εὐδώρα): Good gift, generous
- Celeste (seh-LEST) and Stella (STEL-ah)
- Celeste (Κελέστη): Heavenly, celestial
- Stella (Στέλλα): Star, star-like
- Chloe (KLOH-ee) and Zoe (ZOH-ee)
- Chloe (Χλόη): Green shoot, young plant
- Zoe (Ζωή): Life, alive
- Dalia (DAH-lee-ah) and Margarita (mar-gah-REE-tah)
- Dalia (Δάλια): From the valley, branch
- Margarita (Μαργαρίτα): Pearl, precious stone
- Demetra (deh-MEH-trah) and Persephone (per-SEH-fuh-nee)
- Demetra (Δήμητρα): Earth mother, goddess of agriculture
- Persephone (Περσεφόνη): Bringer of destruction, goddess of the underworld
- Eirene (eye-REE-nee) and Irene (eye-REEN)
- Eirene (Εἰρήνη): Peace, tranquility
- Irene (Εἰρήνη): Peace, peace-bringer
- Elara (eh-LAH-rah) and Selene (seh-LEE-nee)
- Elara (Ἐλάρα): Bright, shining
- Selene (Σελήνη): Moon, moonlight
- Eleni (eh-LEH-nee) and Helena (heh-LEH-nah)
- Eleni (Έλενη): Light, torchbearer
- Helena (Ἑλένη): Bright, shining
- Faye (FAY) and Phoebe (FEE-bee)
- Faye: Fairy, enchantment
- Phoebe (Φοίβη): Bright, shining
- Galatea (gah-lah-TEE-ah) and Thalassa (thah-LAH-sah)
- Galatea (Γαλάτεια): Milk-white, goddess of the sea
- Thalassa (Θάλασσα): Sea, ocean
- Harmony (HAHR-muh-nee) and Melody (MEL-uh-dee)
- Harmony (Ἁρμονία): Unity, agreement
- Melody (Μελωδία): Musical sequence, tune
- Helena (heh-LEH-nah) and Elaine (ee-LAY-nay)
- Helena (Ἑλένη): Bright, shining light
- Elaine (Ἑλένη): Torch, bright one
- Iris (EYE-ris) and Violet (VIE-uh-let)
- Iris (Ἶρις): Rainbow, colorful
- Violet (Βιολέτα): Violet flower
- Isadora (ihs-uh-DOR-uh) and Theodosia (thee-uh-DOH-zee-uh)
- Isadora (Ἰσαδώρα): Gift of Isis
- Theodosia (Θεοδοσία): Gift of God
- Isolde (IZ-ohld) and Isadora (ihs-uh-DOR-uh)
- Isolde (Ἰσόλδη): Beloved
- Isadora (Ἰσαδώρα): Gift of Isis
- Jasmine (JAZ-min) and Liliana (li-lee-AH-nuh)
- Jasmine (Γιασεμί): Jasmine flower
- Liliana (Λιλιάνα): Lily, flower
- Kalliope (kah-lee-OH-pee) and Euterpe (yoo-TUR-pee)
- Kalliope (Καλλιόπη): Beautiful voice
- Euterpe (Ευτέρπη): Delight, joy
- Karina (kuh-REE-nah) and Marina (muh-REE-nah)
- Karina (Καρίνα): Pure
- Marina (Μαρίνα): Of the sea
- Lea (LEE-ah) and Leah (LEE-ah)
- Lea (Λέα): Weary, tired
- Leah (Λεά): Weary, tired
- Lysandra (ly-SAN-drah) and Cassandra (kuh-SAN-druh)
- Lysandra (Λυσάνδρα): Liberator of man
- Cassandra (Κασσάνδρα): Shining upon man
- Maia (MAY-uh) and Zoe (ZOH-ee)
- Maia (Μαῖα): Mother, nurse
- Zoe (Ζωή): Life, vitality
- Melina (meh-LEE-nah) and Mira (MEE-rah)
- Melina (Μελίνα): Honey
- Mira (Μείρα): Fate, destiny
- Nadia (NAH-dee-uh) and Nerys (NEH-ris)
- Nadia (Ναντία): Hope
- Nerys (Νέρυς): Water nymph
- Naiara (ny-EHR-ah) and Nerea (neh-REH-ah)
- Naiara (Ναϊάρα): River
- Nerea (Νέρεα): Flowing water
- Oceana (oh-SEE-ah-nuh) and Maris (MAHR-is)
- Oceana (Ωκεανία): Of the sea
- Maris (Μαρίς): Of the sea
- Ophelia (oh-FEEL-yah) and Thalia (THAY-lee-ah)
- Ophelia (Ὀφέλεια): Help, succor
- Thalia (Θάλεια): Blossom, blooming
- Pandora (pan-DOR-uh) and Kalypso (kuh-LIP-soh)
- Pandora (Πανδώρα): All-gifted
- Kalypso (Καλυψώ): Concealer, coverer
- Penelope (puh-NEL-uh-pee) and Odessa (oh-DES-uh)
- Penelope (Πηνελόπη): Weaver
- Odessa (Οδησσός): Wrathful, angry
- Rhea (REE-uh) and Cybele (sib-EL-ee)
- Rhea (Ῥέα): Flow, ease
- Cybele (Κυβέλη): Mother of the gods
- Roxanne (rahks-AHN) and Stephanie (STEH-fuh-nee)
- Roxanne (Ῥωξάνη): Dawn
- Stephanie (Στέφανη): Crown, crowned one
- Sophia (soh-FEE-ah) and Fia (FEE-ah)
- Sophia (Σοφία): Wisdom, cleverness
- Fia (Φία): To love, affection
- Sophia (soh-FEE-ah) and Theodora (thee-uh-DOHR-uh)
- Sophia (Σοφία): Wisdom, cleverness
- Theodora (Θεοδώρα): Gift of God
- Talia (TAH-lee-ah) and Tamsin (TAM-zin)
- Talia (Ταλία): Young lamb, innocent
- Tamsin (Τάμσιν): Twin, double
- Thalia (THAY-lee-ah) and Euphrosyne (yoo-FROH-suh-nee)
- Thalia (Θάλεια): Joy, mirth
- Euphrosyne (Εὐφροσύνη): Joy, merriment
- Ursula (UR-suh-lah) and Orsa (OR-sah)
- Ursula (Οὐρσουλά): Little bear
- Orsa (Όρσα): Little bear
- Ursula (UR-suh-lah) and Ursa (UR-sah)
- Ursula (Οὐρσουλά): Little bear
- Ursa (Οὐρσα): She-bear
- Vanessa (vuh-NESS-uh) and Evadne (EE-vad-nee)
- Vanessa (Βανέσσα): Butterfly
- Evadne (Ευάδνη): Good and holy
- Vanessa (vuh-NESS-uh) and Nessa (NEH-sah)
- Vanessa (Βανέσσα): Butterfly
- Nessa (Νέσσα): Lamb, young deer
- Xanthe (ZAN-thee) and Clio (KLEE-oh)
- Xanthe (Ξάνθη): Blonde, golden-haired
- Clio (Κλειώ): Glory
- Xenia (ZEEN-yuh) and Irene (eye-REE-nee)
- Xenia (Ξένια): Hospitality, guest-friendship
- Irene (Ειρήνη): Peace
- Yael (YAY-el) and Jael (JAY-el)
- Yael (Ιαήλ): Mountain goat
- Jael (Ιαήλ): Mountain goat
- Yara (YAH-rah) and Zara (ZAH-rah)
- Yara (Υάρα): Water lady, small butterfly
- Zara (Ζαρά): Princess
- Zephyra (zeh-FEER-ah) and Aura (AW-rah)
- Zephyra (Ζεφύρα): West wind, gentle breeze
- Aura (Αύρα): Breeze, air
Greek Twin Girl Names with the Same Theme

- Flower:
- Amaryllis (ah-muh-RIL-is) and Lilium (LIL-ee-um)
- Amaryllis (Αμαρυλλίς): Sparkling, fresh
- Lilium (Λίλιουμ): Lily flower
- Amaryllis (ah-muh-RIL-is) and Lilium (LIL-ee-um)
- Love:
- Agape (ah-GAH-peh) and Philomela (fil-oh-MEE-lah)
- Agape (Αγάπη): Unconditional love
- Philomela (Φιλομέλα): Lover of song
- Agape (ah-GAH-peh) and Philomela (fil-oh-MEE-lah)
- Nature:
- Cynthia (SIN-thee-ah) and Daphne (DAF-nee)
- Cynthia (Κυνθία): Moon goddess
- Daphne (Δάφνη): Laurel tree
- Cynthia (SIN-thee-ah) and Daphne (DAF-nee)
- Animal:
- Kallisto (kah-LEE-stoh) and Leo (LEE-oh)
- Kallisto (Καλλιστώ): Most beautiful
- Leo (Λέων): Lion
- Kallisto (kah-LEE-stoh) and Leo (LEE-oh)
- Gift of God:
- Eudokia (yoo-DOH-kee-ah) and Theodora (thee-oh-DOH-rah)
- Eudokia (Ευδοκία): Goodwill, grace
- Theodora (Θεοδώρα): Gift of God
- Eudokia (yoo-DOH-kee-ah) and Theodora (thee-oh-DOH-rah)
- Royal:
- Berenice (behr-eh-NEE-see) and Cleopatra (klee-oh-PAH-trah)
- Berenice (Βερενίκη): Bringer of victory
- Cleopatra (Κλεοπάτρα): Glory of the father
- Berenice (behr-eh-NEE-see) and Cleopatra (klee-oh-PAH-trah)
- Vintage:
- Hermione (her-MY-oh-nee) and Persephone (per-SEH-fuh-nee)
- Hermione (Ἑρμιόνη): Well-born, messenger
- Persephone (Περσεφόνη): Bringer of destruction
- Hermione (her-MY-oh-nee) and Persephone (per-SEH-fuh-nee)
- Gemstone:
- Amethyst (AM-eh-thist) and Sapphire (SAF-eye-er)
- Amethyst (Αμέθυστος): Not intoxicated, clear-headed
- Sapphire (Σάπφειρος): Blue gemstone
- Amethyst (AM-eh-thist) and Sapphire (SAF-eye-er)
- Seasonal:
- Chione (KY-oh-nee) and Helia (HEE-lee-ah)
- Chione (Χιόνη): Snow maiden
- Helia (Ἥλια): Sun
- Chione (KY-oh-nee) and Helia (HEE-lee-ah)
- Music:
- Calliope (kuh-LYE-oh-pee) and Lyra (LY-rah)
- Calliope (Καλλιόπη): Beautiful voice
- Lyra (Λύρα): Lyre, musical instrument
- Calliope (kuh-LYE-oh-pee) and Lyra (LY-rah)
- Space:
- Selene (seh-LEE-nee) and Astra (AHS-trah)
- Selene (Σελήνη): Moon goddess
- Astra (Άστρα): Stars
- Selene (seh-LEE-nee) and Astra (AHS-trah)
Short and Sweet Greek Twin Girl Names

- Ada (AY-dah) and Ida (EE-dah)
- Ada (Άδα): Noble, serene
- Ida (Ίδα): Active, fiery
- Ari (AH-ree) and Kari (KAH-ree)
- Ari (Άρη): Brave, strong
- Kari (Καρί): Pure, beloved
- Ava (AH-vah) and Eva (EH-vah)
- Ava (Άβα): Life, living one
- Eva (Εύα): Life, living
- Callie (KAL-ee) and Ellie (EH-lee)
- Callie (Κάλλι): Beautiful
- Ellie (Έλλη): Light, torch
- Cara (KAH-rah) and Lara (LAH-rah)
- Cara (Κάρα): Beloved
- Lara (Λάρα): Cheerful, light-hearted
- Dora (DOH-rah) and Nora (NOH-rah)
- Dora (Δώρα): Gift
- Nora (Νώρα): Honor, light
- Elia (EH-lee-ah) and Lia (LEE-ah)
- Elia (Έλια): Sunlight
- Lia (Λία): Bringer of good news
- Ella (EH-lah) and Nella (NEH-lah)
- Ella (Έλλα): Torch, light
- Nella (Νέλλα): Shining one
- Emma (EH-mah) and Gemma (JEM-ah)
- Emma (Έμμα): Whole, universal
- Gemma (Γεμμα): Precious stone, gem
- Eva (EH-vah) and Daphne (DAHF-nee)
- Eva (Εύα): Life, living
- Daphne (Δάφνη): Laurel tree, victory
- Faye (FAY) and Mae (MAY)
- Faye (Φέη): Fairy, enchantment
- Mae (Μέι): Mother, nurse
- Lia (LEE-ah) and Mia (MEE-ah)
- Lia (Λία): Bringer of good news
- Mia (Μία): Mine, beloved
- Lia (LEE-ah) and Nia (NEE-ah)
- Lia (Λία): Bringer of good news
- Nia (Νία): Purpose, goal
- Lila (LYE-lah) and Mila (MEE-lah)
- Lila (Λίλα): Lilac, flower
- Mila (Μίλα): Gracious, dear
- Lila (LYE-lah) and Nyla (NYE-lah)
- Lila (Λίλα): Lilac, flower
- Nyla (Νίλα): Champion
- Lucy (LOO-see) and Zoey (ZOH-ee)
- Lucy (Λουκία): Light
- Zoey (Ζωή): Life
- Luna (LOO-nah) and Juno (JOO-noh)
- Luna (Λούνα): Moon
- Juno (Ιούνο): Young
- Maya (MY-ah) and Kayla (KAY-lah)
- Maya (Μάγια): Good mother
- Kayla (Κέιλα): Crowned one
- Maya (MY-ah) and Lyra (LYE-rah)
- Maya (Μάγια): Good mother
- Lyra (Λύρα): Lyre, harp
- Mia (MEE-ah) and Lia (LEE-ah)
- Mia (Μία): Mine, beloved
- Lia (Λία): Bringer of good news
- Mila (MEE-lah) and Lila (LYE-lah)
- Mila (Μίλα): Gracious, dear
- Lila (Λίλα): Lilac, flower
- Nada (NAH-dah) and Zada (ZAH-dah)
- Nada (Νάντα): Hope
- Zada (Ζάντα): Abundance
- Nia (NEE-ah) and Mia (MEE-ah)
- Nia (Νία): Purpose, goal
- Mia (Μία): Mine, beloved
- Nia (NEE-ah) and Tia (TEE-ah)
- Nia (Νία): Purpose, goal
- Tia (Τία): Aunt, goddess
- Nina (NEE-nah) and Lina (LEE-nah)
- Nina (Νίνα): Grace
- Lina (Λίνα): Pure, light
- Rhea (REE-ah) and Thea (THAY-ah)
- Rhea (Ρέα): Flow, ease
- Thea (Θέα): Goddess, divine
- Ruby (ROO-bee) and Ivy (EYE-vee)
- Ruby (Ρουμπίνη): Precious stone
- Ivy (Ιβή): Ivy plant, fidelity
- Thea (THAY-ah) and Leah (LEE-ah)
- Thea (Θέα): Goddess, divine
- Leah (Λία): Weary, tired
- Zoe (ZOH-ee) and Chloe (KLOH-ee)
- Zoe (Ζωή): Life
- Chloe (Χλόη): Green shoot, young plant
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