170+ Popular Greek Twin Boy Names with Meanings

Are you looking for awesome Greek twin boy names? Well, you’re in luck! Our blog is all about Greek Twin Boy Names, and we’ve got over 160 cool options for you.
Whether you want names that rhyme, start with the same letter, mean the same thing, follow a theme, or just want something short and sweet, we’ve got you covered. Stick around and let’s find the perfect names for your little duo together!
Table of Contents
Greek Twin Boy Names that Rhyme

- Alexandros (ah-lehk-SAHN-dros) and Theodoros (thee-oh-DOHR-ohs)
- Alexandros (Αλέξανδρος): Defender of men
- Theodoros (Θεόδωρος): Gift of God
- Alexios (ah-LEK-see-ohs) and Nikos (NEE-kohs)
- Alexios (Αλέξιος): Defender, protector
- Nikos (Νίκος): Victory, triumph
- Andreas (ahn-DREH-ahs) and Nikolas (nee-KOH-lahs)
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Man, warrior
- Nikolas (Νικόλας): Victory of the people
- Apollo (ah-POH-loh) and Aristos (ah-REE-stohs)
- Apollo (Απόλλων): Destroyer, god of sun and light
- Aristos (Άριστος): Best, excellent
- Apostolos (ah-poh-STOH-lohs) and Stavros (STAH-vrohs)
- Apostolos (Απόστολος): Apostle, messenger
- Stavros (Σταύρος): Cross, crucifix
- Athanasios (ah-thah-NAH-see-ohs) and Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs)
- Athanasios (Αθανάσιος): Immortal, everlasting
- Dimitrios (Δημήτριος): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Athanasios (ah-thah-NAH-see-ohs) and Evangelos (eh-vahn-GHEH-lohs)
- Athanasios (Αθανάσιος): Immortal, everlasting
- Evangelos (Ευάγγελος): Messenger, bringer of good news
- Basilios (vah-SEE-lyohs) and Demetrios (theh-MEE-tree-ohs)
- Basilios (Βασίλειος): Kingly, royal
- Demetrios (Δημήτριος): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Byron (BEE-rohn) and Kyron (KEE-rohn)
- Byron (Βύρων): From Byros, a place in Greece
- Kyron (Κύρον): Supreme, powerful
- Christos (KHREES-tohs) and Costas (KOH-stahs)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ
- Costas (Κώστας): Constant, steadfast
- Christos (KHREES-tohs) and Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ
- Dimitrios (Δημήτριος): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Christos (KHREES-tohs) and Dionysios (dee-oh-NEE-see-ohs)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Dedicated to Dionysus, god of wine
- Christos (KHREES-tohs) and Miltos (MEEL-tohs)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ
- Miltos (Μίλτος): Reddish, red pigment
- Damianos (dah-mee-AH-nohs) and Dionysios (dee-oh-NEE-see-ohs)
- Damianos (Δαμιανός): Tame, subdue
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Dedicated to Dionysus, god of wine
- Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-ohs) and Stylianos (stee-LYAH-nohs)
- Dimitrios (Δημήτριος): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Stylianos (Στυλιανός): Pillar, support
- Dimitris (dee-MEE-trees) and Giannis (YAH-nees)
- Dimitris (Δημήτρης): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Giannis (Γιάννης): God is gracious
- Dimitris (dee-MEE-trees) and Petros (PEH-trohs)
- Dimitris (Δημήτρης): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Petros (Πέτρος): Rock, stone
- Eleftherios (eh-lef-THEH-ree-ohs) and Evangelos (eh-vahn-GHEH-lohs)
- Eleftherios (Ελευθέριος): Free, liberator
- Evangelos (Ευάγγελος): Messenger, bringer of good news
- Eleftherios (eh-lef-THEH-ree-ohs) and Theofilos (teh-OH-fee-lohs)
- Eleftherios (Ελευθέριος): Free, liberator
- Theofilos (Θεόφιλος): Loved by God
- Elias (eh-lee-AHS) and Ilias (ee-LEE-ahs)
- Elias (Ηλίας): The Lord is my God
- Ilias (Ηλίας): The Lord is my God
- Evangelos (eh-vahn-GHEH-lohs) and Theodoros (thee-oh-DOHR-ohs)
- Evangelos (Ευάγγελος): Messenger, bringer of good news
- Theodoros (Θεόδωρος): Gift of God
- Filippos (fee-LEE-pohs) and Spyridon (spee-REE-don)
- Filippos (Φίλιππος): Lover of horses
- Spyridon (Σπυρίδων): Spirit, life
- Fotios (FOH-tee-ohs) and Georgios (yohr-GYOH-lohs)
- Fotios (Φώτιος): Bright, luminous
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer, earthworker
- Fotis (FOH-teess) and Spiros (SPEE-rohs)
- Fotis (Φώτης): Light, brightness
- Spiros (Σπύρος): Sower, scatterer
- Georgios (yohr-GYOH-lohs) and Konstantinos (kohn-stahn-TEE-nohs)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer, earthworker
- Konstantinos (Κωνσταντίνος): Constant, steadfast
- Georgios (yohr-GYOH-lohs) and Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-tees)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer, earthworker
- Panagiotis (Παναγιώτης): All-holy, dedicated to the Virgin Mary
- Georgios (yohr-GYOH-lohs) and Stavros (STAH-vrohs)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer, earthworker
- Stavros (Σταύρος): Cross, crucifix
- Giorgos (YOH-rgos) and Thanos (THAH-nos)
- Giorgos (Γιώργος): Farmer, earthworker
- Thanos (Θάνος): Immortal, eternal
- Haralambos (hah-rah-LAHM-bohs) and Ilias (ee-LEE-ahs)
- Haralambos (Χαράλαμπος): Bright, shining
- Ilias (Ηλίας): The Lord is my God
- Haris (HA-ris) and Paris (PA-ris)
- Haris (Χάρης): Grace, kindness
- Paris (Πάρις): From Paris, France
- Ioannis (ee-oh-A-nis) and Giannis (YA-nis)
- Ioannis (Ιωάννης): Greek form of John, meaning “God is gracious”
- Giannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, also meaning “God is gracious”
- Ioannis (ee-oh-A-nis) and Pavlos (PA-vlos)
- Ioannis (Ιωάννης): Greek form of John, meaning “God is gracious”
- Pavlos (Παύλος): Greek form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble”
- Ioannis (ee-oh-A-nis) and Vasilios (va-SEE-lee-os)
- Ioannis (Ιωάννης): Greek form of John, meaning “God is gracious”
- Vasilios (Βασίλειος): Greek form of Basil, meaning “king” or “royal”
- Jason (JAY-son) and Kyros (KEE-ros)
- Jason (Ιάσων): Healer
- Kyros (Κύρος): Like the sun, lordly
- Konstantinos (kohn-stahn-TEE-nos) and Antonios (ahn-TOH-nee-os)
- Konstantinos (Κωνσταντίνος): Constant, steadfast
- Antonios (Αντώνιος): Greek form of Anthony, meaning “priceless” or “of inestimable worth”
- Kostas (KOS-tas) and Marios (MA-ree-os)
- Kostas (Κώστας): Short form of Konstantinos, meaning “constant” or “steadfast”
- Marios (Μάριος): Greek form of Mario, meaning “male” or “virile”
- Leonidas (lee-on-I-das) and Nikolas (nee-KOH-las)
- Leonidas (Λεωνίδας): Lion’s son
- Nikolas (Νικόλας): Greek form of Nicholas, meaning “victory of the people”
- Marios (MA-ree-os) and Stelios (STE-lee-os)
- Marios (Μάριος): Greek form of Mario, meaning “male” or “virile”
- Stelios (Στέλιος): Short form of Stylianos, meaning “pillar” or “support”
- Nikos (NEE-kos) and Christos (KHRI-stos)
- Nikos (Νίκος): Short form of Nikolaos, meaning “victory of the people”
- Christos (Χρήστος): Greek form of Christ, meaning “anointed one” or “savior”
- Odysseas (oh-di-SEE-as) and Theodoros (thee-oh-DOH-ros)
- Odysseas (Οδυσσέας): Greek form of Odysseus, the legendary hero of Homer’s Odyssey
- Theodoros (Θεόδωρος): Greek form of Theodore, meaning “gift of God”
- Panagiotis (pah-na-YOH-tees) and Petros (PE-tros)
- Panagiotis (Παναγιώτης): All-holy, dedicated to the Virgin Mary
- Petros (Πέτρος): Greek form of Peter, meaning “rock” or “stone”
- Pavlos (PA-vlos) and Kyriakos (kee-rya-KOS)
- Pavlos (Παύλος): Greek form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble”
- Kyriakos (Κυριάκος): Of the Lord, belonging to the Lord
- Stavros (STAV-ros) and Thanos (THAH-nos)
- Stavros (Σταύρος): Cross, crucifix
- Thanos (Θάνος): Short form of Athanasios, meaning “immortal” or “eternal”
- Stefanos (STE-fa-nos) and Thanos (THAH-nos)
- Stefanos (Στέφανος): Crown, wreath
- Thanos (Θάνος): Short form of Athanasios, meaning “immortal” or “eternal”
- Vasilios (va-SEE-lee-os) and Dimitrios (dee-mee-TREE-os)
- Vasilios (Βασίλειος): Greek form of Basil, meaning “king” or “royal”
- Dimitrios (Δημήτριος): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Xander (ZAN-der) and Zander (ZAN-der)
- Xander (Ξάνδερ): Short form of Alexandros, meaning “defender of mankind”
- Zander (Ζάντερ): Variation of Xander, also meaning “defender of mankind”
- Xenos (XEH-nos) and Yannis (yah-NEES)
- Xenos (Ξένος): Stranger, foreigner
- Yannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Zephyros (ZEH-fir-os) and Zenon (ZEH-non)
- Zephyros (Ζέφυρος): West wind
- Zenon (Ζήνων): Living, full of life
Greek Twin Boy Names with the Same Letter

- Alexandros (ah-lek-SAHN-dros) and Andreas (ahn-DRE-as)
- Alexandros (Αλέξανδρος): Defender of mankind
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Manly, courageous
- Andreas (ahn-DRE-as) and Angelos (AHN-geh-los)
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Manly, courageous
- Angelos (Άγγελος): Messenger, angel
- Antonis (ahn-TOH-nees) and Athanasios (ah-thah-NAH-see-os)
- Antonis (Αντώνης): Greek form of Anthony, meaning “priceless” or “of inestimable worth”
- Athanasios (Αθανάσιος): Immortal, eternal
- Argyris (ar-GEE-rees) and Aris (AH-ris)
- Argyris (Αργύρης): Silver
- Aris (Άρης): Greek god of war, meaning “warlike”
- Babis (BAH-bees) and Basilios (vah-SEE-lee-os)
- Babis (Μπάμπης): Diminutive of Evangelos, meaning “man of God”
- Basilios (Βασίλειος): Royal, king-like
- Charalampos (HA-ra-lam-pos) and Christos (KHRI-stos)
- Charalampos (Χαράλαμπος): Bright, shining
- Christos (Χρήστος): Greek form of Christ, meaning “anointed one” or “savior”
- Christos (KHRI-stos) and Charalampos (HA-ra-lam-pos)
- Christos (Χρήστος): Greek form of Christ, meaning “anointed one” or “savior”
- Charalampos (Χαράλαμπος): Bright, shining
- Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-os) and Dionysis (dee-oh-NEE-sees)
- Dimitrios (Δημήτριος): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Dionysis (Διονύσιος): Dedicated to Dionysus, god of wine and fertility
- Eleftherios (eh-lef-THE-ree-os) and Evangelos (ev-ahn-GEH-los)
- Eleftherios (Ελευθέριος): Free, liberated
- Evangelos (Ευάγγελος): Messenger of good news, angel
- Filippos (FEE-lee-pos) and Fotis (FOH-tis)
- Filippos (Φίλιππος): Greek form of Philip, meaning “lover of horses”
- Fotis (Φώτης): Light, brightness
- Georgios (YOR-yos) and Giorgos (YOR-gos)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Greek form of George, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker”
- Giorgos (Γιώργος): Short form of Georgios
- Haris (HA-rees) and Hristos (HREE-stos)
- Haris (Χάρης): Grace, kindness
- Hristos (Χρήστος): Greek form of Christ, meaning “anointed one” or “savior”
- Ioannis (ee-oh-A-nees) and Ilias (ee-LEE-as)
- Ioannis (Ιωάννης): Greek form of John, meaning “God is gracious”
- Ilias (Ηλίας): Greek form of Elijah, meaning “My God is Yahweh”
- Konstantinos (kohn-stahn-TEE-nos) and Kostas (KOS-tas)
- Konstantinos (Κωνσταντίνος): Constant, steadfast
- Kostas (Κώστας): Short form of Konstantinos
- Leonidas (lee-on-I-das) and Loukas (LOO-kas)
- Leonidas (Λεωνίδας): Lion’s son
- Loukas (Λουκάς): Greek form of Luke, meaning “from Lucania” or “light-giving”
- Manolis (ma-NO-lees) and Michalis (mee-HAH-lees)
- Manolis (Μανώλης): Short form of Emmanouil, meaning “God is with us”
- Michalis (Μιχάλης): Greek form of Michael, meaning “Who is like God?”
- Nikolaos (nee-koh-LAH-os) and Nikos (NEE-kos)
- Nikolaos (Νικόλαος): Victory of the people
- Nikos (Νίκος): Short form of Nikolaos
- Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-tees) and Pavlos (PAHV-los)
- Panagiotis (Παναγιώτης): All-holy, devout
- Pavlos (Παύλος): Greek form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble”
- Spiros (SPEE-ros) and Stefanos (STEH-fah-nos)
- Spiros (Σπύρος): Short form of Spyridon, meaning “spirit” or “spiritual”
- Stefanos (Στέφανος): Greek form of Stephen, meaning “crown” or “wreath”
- Thanos (THAH-nos) and Theodoros (thee-OH-doh-ros)
- Thanos (Θάνος): Short form of Athanasios, meaning “immortal” or “eternal”
- Theodoros (Θεόδωρος): Gift of God
- Vangelis (vahn-GHE-lees) and Vasilis (vah-SEE-lees)
- Vangelis (Βαγγέλης): Short form of Evangelos, meaning “messenger” or “angel”
- Vasilis (Βασίλης): Short form of Vasilios, meaning “royal” or “king-like”
- Xenophon (ZEH-no-fon) and Xenios (ZEH-ne-os)
- Xenophon (Ξενοφών): Strange voice, foreign speaker
- Xenios (Ξένιος): Host, guest-friend, hospitable
- Yiannis (yah-NEES) and Yorgos (YOR-gos)
- Yiannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Yorgos (Γιώργος): Short form of Georgios
- Zacharias (za-kha-REE-as) and Zenon (ZEH-non)
- Zacharias (Ζαχαρίας): Greek form of Zacharias, meaning “remembered by Yahweh”
- Zenon (Ζήνων): Living, full of life
Greek Twin Boy Names with the Same Meaning

- Alexios (ah-LEK-see-os) and Alexandros (ah-lek-SAHN-dros)
- Alexios (Αλέξιος): Defender of the people
- Alexandros (Αλέξανδρος): Defender of mankind
- Anargyros (ah-nar-GHEE-ros) and Anaxagoras (ah-nahks-ah-GOH-rahss)
- Anargyros (Άναργυρος): Without silver; poverty
- Anaxagoras (Άναξαγόρας): Noble leader
- Andreas (ahn-DRE-as) and Andreanos (ahn-dreh-AH-nos)
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Manly, courageous
- Andreanos (Ανδρεανός): Manly
- Andreas (ahn-DRE-as) and Andronikos (ahn-DROH-nee-kos)
- Andreas (Ανδρέας): Manly, courageous
- Andronikos (Ανδρόνικος): Victory of a man
- Athanasios (ah-thah-NAH-see-os) and Thanasis (thah-NAH-sees)
- Athanasios (Αθανάσιος): Immortal, eternal
- Thanasis (Θανάσης): Diminutive of Athanasios, meaning “immortal”
- Athanasios (ah-thah-NAH-see-os) and Zosimos (ZOH-see-mos)
- Athanasios (Αθανάσιος): Immortal, eternal
- Zosimos (Ζώσιμος): Full of life
- Charalampos (HA-ra-lam-pos) and Eleftherios (eh-lef-THE-ree-os)
- Charalampos (Χαράλαμπος): Shining with joy
- Eleftherios (Ελευθέριος): Free, liberated
- Dimitrios (dee-MEE-tree-os) and Kyriakos (kee-ree-AH-kos)
- Dimitrios (Δημήτριος): Dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture
- Kyriakos (Κυριάκος): Belonging to the Lord
- Dionysios (dee-oh-NEE-see-os) and Evgenios (ev-YEH-nee-os)
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Dedicated to Dionysus, god of wine and fertility
- Evgenios (Ευγένιος): Noble, well-born
- Efstathios (ef-stah-THEE-os) and Eustathios (yoo-stah-THEE-os)
- Efstathios (Ευστάθιος): Stable, steadfast
- Eustathios (Ευστάθιος): Steady, steadfast
- Georgios (YOR-yos) and Yiorgos (YOR-gos)
- Georgios (Γεώργιος): Farmer, earth-worker
- Yiorgos (Γιώργος): Short form of Georgios
- Giannis (yah-NEES) and Ioannis (ee-oh-A-nees)
- Giannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Ioannis (Ιωάννης): Greek form of John, meaning “God is gracious”
- Giannis (yah-NEES) and Janis (YAH-nees)
- Giannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Janis (Ιάννης): Variant of Ioannis, also meaning “God is gracious”
- Haralampos (HA-ra-lam-pos) and Charalambos (HA-ra-LAHM-bos)
- Haralampos (Χαράλαμπος): Shining with joy
- Charalambos (Χαράλαμπος): Shining with joy
- Iason (yah-SOHN) and Jason (YAH-sohn)
- Iason (Ιάσων): Greek form of Jason, meaning “healer”
- Jason (Ιάσον): Healer
- Kostas (KOS-tas) and Constantinos (kon-stan-TEE-nos)
- Kostas (Κώστας): Short form of Konstantinos, meaning “constant”
- Constantinos (Κωνσταντίνος): Constant, steadfast
- Kyriakos (kee-ree-AH-kos) and Eustathios (yoo-stah-THEE-os)
- Kyriakos (Κυριάκος): Belonging to the Lord
- Eustathios (Ευστάθιος): Steady, steadfast
- Leonidas (lee-oh-NEE-das) and Lionel (lee-OH-nel)
- Leonidas (Λεωνίδας): Lion-like, brave as a lion
- Lionel (Λιονέλ): Lion-like
- Loukas (LOO-kas) and Lucian (LOO-shan)
- Loukas (Λουκάς): Light, illumination
- Lucian (Λουκιανός): From Lucius, meaning “light”
- Makarios (mah-KAH-ree-os) and Felix (FE-leex)
- Makarios (Μακάριος): Blessed, happy
- Felix (Φήλιξ): Latin name meaning “happy” or “fortunate”
- Nikolaos (nee-koh-LAH-os) and Nikos (NEE-kos)
- Nikolaos (Νικόλαος): Victory of the people
- Nikos (Νίκος): Short form of Nikolaos, meaning “victory”
- Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-tees) and Agapetos (ah-gah-PEH-tos)
- Panagiotis (Παναγιώτης): All-holy, devout
- Agapetos (Αγαπητός): Beloved, dear
- Panagiotis (pah-nah-YOH-tees) and Panos (PAH-nos)
- Panagiotis (Παναγιώτης): All-holy, devout
- Panos (Πάνος): Short form of Panagiotis
- Pavlos (PAHV-los) and Paulos (PAW-los)
- Pavlos (Παύλος): Greek form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble”
- Paulos (Παῦλος): Greek form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble”
- Petros (PEH-tros) and Peter (PEH-ter)
- Petros (Πέτρος): Rock, stone
- Peter (Πέτρος): Rock, stone
- Spyros (SPEE-ros) and Cyrus (SY-roos)
- Spyros (Σπύρος): Short form of Spyridon, meaning “spirit” or “spiritual”
- Cyrus (Κύρος): Persian name meaning “sun”
- Stavros (STAH-vros) and Cruz (KROOS)
- Stavros (Σταύρος): Cross
- Cruz (Κρουζ): Cross
- Stefanos (STEH-fah-nos) and Steven (STEE-ven)
- Stefanos (Στέφανος): Crown, wreath
- Steven (Στίβεν): Crown, wreath
- Thanasis (thah-NAH-sees) and Thanos (THAH-nos)
- Thanasis (Θανάσης): Diminutive of Athanasios, meaning “immortal”
- Thanos (Θάνος): Diminutive of Athanasios, meaning “immortal”
- Vasileios (vah-see-LEH-os) and Vasilis (vah-SEE-lees)
- Vasileios (Βασίλειος): Royal, kingly
- Vasilis (Βασίλης): Short form of Vasileios, meaning “king”
- Xristos (KREE-stos) and Christos (KREE-stos)
- Xristos (Χρίστος): Anointed one, Christ
- Christos (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ
- Yannis (YAH-nees) and Giannis (yah-NEES)
- Yannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Giannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Yiannis (YAH-nees) and Giannis (yah-NEES)
- Yiannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Giannis (Γιάννης): Short form of Ioannis, meaning “God is gracious”
- Zacharias (zah-hah-REE-as) and Zenon (ZEH-non)
- Zacharias (Ζαχαρίας): Remembered by God
- Zenon (Ζήνων): From Zeus, meaning “guest”
Greek Twin Boy Names with the Same Theme

Flower Theme:
- Antheos (AHN-theh-os) and Irisos (EE-ree-sos)
- Antheos (Άνθεος): Flowery
- Irisos (Ίρισος): Iris flower
- Hyakinthos (hy-ah-KEEN-thos) and Daphnios (DAHF-nee-os)
- Hyakinthos (Υάκινθος): Hyacinth flower
- Daphnios (Δαφνιός): Laurel tree-related
- Lilios (LEE-lee-os) and Narcissos (nar-SIS-sos)
- Lilios (Λίλιος): Lily flower
- Narcissos (Νάρκισσος): Daffodil
- Rhodion (roh-DEE-on) and Chloros (KLO-ros)
- Rhodion (Ροδιών): Rose
- Chloros (Χλωρός): Greenery
- Anemos (AH-neh-mos) and Krokos (KRO-kos)
- Anemos (Άνεμος): Wind
- Krokos (Κρόκος): Saffron flower
Love Theme:
- Philos (FEE-los) and Agapetos (ah-gah-PEH-tos)
- Philos (Φίλος): Loving
- Agapetos (Αγαπητός): Beloved
- Therapon (THEH-rah-pon) and Erotes (eh-ROH-tees)
- Therapon (Θεράπων): Servant, attendant
- Erotes (Έρωτες): Love, Cupids
- Philandros (fee-LAHN-dros) and Euphrosynos (yoo-froh-SEE-nos)
- Philandros (Φιλάνδρος): Loving man
- Euphrosynos (Ευφρόσυνος): Joyous, cheerful
- Himeros (hee-MEH-ros) and Kalos (KAH-los)
- Himeros (Ίμερος): Desire
- Kalos (Καλός): Beautiful, good
- Amor (AH-mor) and Erastis (eh-RAHS-tees)
- Amor (Άμορ): Love
- Erastis (Εραστής): Lover
Nature Theme:
- Oros (OH-ros) and Kairos (KEI-ros)
- Oros (Όρος): Mountain
- Kairos (Καιρός): Nature’s time, opportunity
- Galene (gah-LEH-neh) and Thalassa (thah-LAH-sah)
- Galene (Γαλήνη): Tranquility
- Thalassa (Θάλασσα): Sea
- Aether (AY-ther) and Gaia (GUY-ah)
- Aether (Αιθήρ): Upper air, sky
- Gaia (Γαία): Earth
- Hydor (HEE-dor) and Pyros (PEE-ros)
- Hydor (Ύδωρ): Water
- Pyros (Πυρός): Fire
- Ilios (EE-lee-os) and Anatoli (ah-nah-TOH-lee)
- Ilios (Ήλιος): Sun
- Anatoli (Ανατολή): Dawn
Animal Theme:
- Leon (LEE-on) and Lykos (LEE-kos)
- Leon (Λέων): Lion
- Lykos (Λύκος): Wolf
- Pegasos (PEH-gah-sos) and Hippotes (hee-POH-tees)
- Pegasos (Πήγασος): Winged horse
- Hippotes (Ιππότης): Horseman
- Kynigos (kee-NEE-gos) and Ornis (OR-nees)
- Kynigos (Κυνηγός): Hunter
- Ornis (Όρνις): Bird
- Tigris (TEE-gris) and Drakon (DRAH-kon)
- Tigris (Τίγρης): Tiger
- Drakon (Δράκον): Dragon
- Ktinos (KTEE-nos) and Elaphos (eh-LAH-fos)
- Ktinos (Κτήνος): Beast
- Elaphos (Ελάφος): Deer
Gift of God Theme:
- Theophanes (thee-oh-FAH-nees) and Charisios (khah-REE-see-os)
- Theophanes (Θεοφάνης): Manifestation of God
- Charisios (Χαρήσιος): Full of grace
- Elias (ee-LY-as) and Eleutherios (eh-loo-THEH-ree-os)
- Elias (Ἠλίας): My God is Yahweh
- Eleutherios (Ἐλευθέριος): Freedom, liberty
- Dionysios (dee-oh-nee-SEE-os) and Eucharios (yoo-KHAH-ree-os)
- Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Devoted to Dionysus
- Eucharios (Ευχάριος): Filled with grace
- Anastasios (ah-nah-STAH-see-os) and Eusebios (eh-oo-SEB-ee-os)
- Anastasios (Ἀναστάσιος): Resurrection
- Eusebios (Εὐσέβιος): Pious, devout
- Agapetos (ah-gah-PEH-tos) and Eleutherios (eh-loo-THEH-ree-os)
- Agapetos (Ἀγαπητός): Beloved
- Eleutherios (Ἐλευθέριος): Freedom, liberty
Royal Theme:
- Basilios (vah-SEE-lee-os) and Konstantinos (kohn-stahn-TEE-nohs)
- Basilios (Βασίλειος): Royal, kingly
- Konstantinos (Κωνσταντίνος): Constant, steadfast
- Alexandros (ah-lek-SAHN-dros) and Leandros (lee-AHN-dros)
- Alexandros (Αλέξανδρος): Defender of mankind
- Leandros (Λέανδρος): Lion-like, brave
- Nikolaos (nee-koh-LAH-os) and Philippos (fee-LEE-pohs)
- Nikolaos (Νικόλαος): Victory of the people
- Philippos (Φίλιππος): Lover of horses
- Antonios (ahn-TOH-nee-os) and Sotirios (soh-tee-REE-os)
- Antonios (Ἀντώνιος): Priceless, inestimable
- Sotirios (Σωτήριος): Savior, deliverer
- Theodotos (theh-oh-DOH-tos) and Themistokles (theh-mee-STOH-klees)
- Theodotos (Θεόδοτος): Gift of God
- Themistokles (Θεμιστοκλής): Glory of the law
Vintage Theme:
- Achilleas (ah-khee-LEE-as) and Aristoteles (ah-rees-toh-TEH-lee-os)
- Achilleas (Αχιλλέας): Greek hero Achilles
- Aristoteles (Ἀριστοτέλης): Aristotle
- Achilles (ah-KIL-eez) and Demosthenes (dee-mohs-THEE-neez)
- Achilles (Ἀχιλλεύς): Greek hero Achilles
- Demosthenes (Δημοσθένης): Strong-willed, powerful
- Herakles (HEH-rah-kleez) and Pericles (PEH-ree-kleez)
- Herakles (Ἡρακλῆς): Greek hero Hercules
- Pericles (Περικλῆς): Surrounded by glory
- Aristophanes (ah-rees-TOH-fah-neez) and Archimedes (ahr-kih-MEE-deez)
- Aristophanes (Ἀριστοφάνης): Best appearance
- Archimedes (Ἀρχιμήδης): Master planner
- Pythagoras (pith-uh-GOR-uhs) and Socrates (SAH-kruh-teez)
- Pythagoras (Πυθαγόρας): Pythagorean theorem
- Socrates (Σωκράτης): Wise, practical philosopher
Gemstone Theme:
- Smaragdos (smah-RAHG-thos) and Topazios (toh-PAH-zee-os)
- Smaragdos (Σμάραγδος): Emerald
- Topazios (Τοπάζιος): Topaz
- Amethystos (ah-meh-THEES-thos) and Beryllos (VEHR-ee-los)
- Amethystos (Αμέθυστος): Amethyst
- Beryllos (Βήρυλλος): Beryl
- Krystallos (KREE-stah-los) and Diamantos (dee-ah-MAHN-tos)
- Krystallos (Κρύσταλλος): Crystal
- Diamantos (Διαμάντος): Diamond
- Opalios (oh-PAH-lee-os) and Sardonix (sahr-DOH-niks)
- Opalios (Όπαλιος): Opal
- Sardonix (Σαρδώνιξ): Sardonyx
- Ametistos (ah-MEH-tees-tos) and Zafyros (ZAH-fee-ros)
- Ametistos (Αμέθυστος): Amethyst
- Zafyros (Ζάφυρος): Sapphire
Short and Sweet Greek Twin Boy Names

- Alex (AH-leks) and Chris (KHREES)
- Alex (Άλεξ): Defender of mankind
- Chris (Χρήστος): Follower of Christ
- Ari (AH-rees) and Theo (THEH-os)
- Ari (Άρης): From Ares, the god of war
- Theo (Θεός): God
- Ben (VEN) and Leo (LEH-on)
- Ben (Βεν): Son of the right hand
- Leo (Λέων): Lion
- Ben (VEN) and Luca (LOO-kahs)
- Ben (Βεν): Son of the right hand
- Luca (Λουκάς): Light; illumination
- Eli (EE-lee) and Ben (VEN)
- Eli (Ηλίας): Jehovah is God
- Ben (Βεν): Son of the right hand
- Eli (EE-lee) and Zac (ZAH-ha-REE-as)
- Eli (Ηλίας): Jehovah is God
- Zac (Ζαχαρίας): Remembered by God
- Kai (KAH-ee) and Leo (LEH-on)
- Kai (Κάι): Ocean
- Leo (Λέων): Lion
- Leo (LEH-on) and Eli (EE-lee-as)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion
- Eli (Ηλίας): Jehovah is God
- Leo (LEH-on) and Max (Mahks)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion
- Max (Μαξ): Greatest
- Leo (LEH-on) and Nico (NEE-kos)
- Leo (Λέων): Lion
- Nico (Νίκος): Victory
- Luca (LOO-kahs) and Theo (THEH-os)
- Luca (Λουκάς): Light; illumination
- Theo (Θεός): God
- Max (Mahks) and Ari (AH-rees)
- Max (Μαξ): Greatest
- Ari (Άρης): From Ares, the god of war
- Max (Mahks) and Eli (EE-lee)
- Max (Μαξ): Greatest
- Eli (Ηλίας): Jehovah is God
- Niko (NEE-kos) and Theo (THEH-os)
- Niko (Νίκος): Victory
- Theo (Θεός): God
- Theo (THEH-os) and Alex (AH-leks)
- Theo (Θεός): God
- Alex (Άλεξ): Defender of mankind
- Theo (THEH-os) and Leo (LEH-on)
- Theo (Θεός): God
- Leo (Λέων): Lion
- Theo (THEH-os) and Nico (NEE-kos)
- Theo (Θεός): God
- Nico (Νίκος): Victory
- Zac (ZAH-ha-REE-as) and Ben (VEN)
- Zac (Ζαχαρίας): Remembered by God
- Ben (Βεν): Son of the right hand
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