81 Greek Names that Mean Beautiful

Greek names that mean beautiful carry meanings that speak of grace, charm, and inner radiance. Whether you’re looking for a name for a boy, a girl, or one that works for any gender, this list has something for everyone. These names not only sound beautiful but also hold deep meaning, reflecting the timeless charm of Greek culture.
Table of Contents
Greek Names that Mean Beautiful for Boys

Following is the list of Greek names that mean beautiful for your baby boy, along with their pronunciation and meaning:
- Adonis (uh-DON-is): Beautiful youth in Greek mythology
- Agapetos (ah-gah-PEH-tos): Beloved, dear
- Amadeo (ah-mah-DAY-oh): Loved by God
- Angelos (AHN-geh-los): Messenger, angel
- Antonios (ahn-TOH-nee-ohs): Priceless, inestimable
- Aristos (ah-REES-tos): Best, excellent
- Arsenio (ahr-SEN-ee-oh): Virile, strong, potent
- Basil (BAH-zil): Royal, kingly
- Callisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful, like a bear in Greek mythology
- Calogeros (kah-loh-YEH-ros): Beautiful old age
- Chariton (kahr-ee-TOHN): Grace, kindness
- Cleon (KLEE-on): Famous, glorious
- Faidon (FAH-ee-don): Shining, bright
- Ganymede (GAN-uh-meed): Beautiful and beloved, cupbearer of the gods in Greek mythology
- Haidar (HAY-dahr): Lion, courageous
- Haris (HAH-rees): Grace, kindness
- Iphigenios (if-uh-JEE-nee-ohs): Born strong, son of Agamemnon
- Kallias (KAH-lee-uhs): Beautiful, handsome
- Kalos (KAH-lohs): Beautiful, noble
- Kleanthes (KLEE-an-theez): Famous, glorious strength
- Kleon (KLEE-on): Famous, renowned
- Makarios (mah-KAR-ee-ohs): Blessed, happy
- Maximilian (mak-suh-MIL-yuhn): Greatest, the best
- Narcissus (nar-SIS-uhs): Greek mythological figure known for his beauty
- Nicanor (ni-KAY-nor): Victorious, conqueror
- Phaedrus (FEE-drus): Bright, radiant
- Photios (FOH-tee-ohs): Bright, luminous
- Stefanos (STEH-fuh-nohs): Crowned, victorious
Greek Names that Mean Beautiful for Girls

Following is the list of Greek names that mean beautiful for your baby girl, along with their pronunciation and meaning:
- Adara (ah-DAH-ruh): Beauty
- Adonia (ah-DOH-nee-uh): Beautiful, noble
- Agapi (ah-GAH-pee): Love
- Aglaia (ah-GLAY-uh): Splendor, beauty
- Antheia (AN-thee-uh): Flower, blossom
- Aphrodite (af-roh-DYE-tee): Goddess of love and beauty
- Calantha (kuh-LAN-thuh): Beautiful flower
- Calliope (kuh-LIE-uh-pee): Beautiful voice
- Callista (kuh-LIS-tuh): Most beautiful
- Cassandra (kuh-SAN-druh): In Greek mythology, a prophetess
- Celeste (suh-LEST): Heavenly
- Celia (SEE-lee-uh): Heavenly
- Celine (suh-LEEN): Heavenly
- Charis (KAR-is): Grace, beauty
- Cleo (KLEE-oh): Glory, pride
- Despina (des-PEE-nuh): Lady
- Elara (eh-LAH-ruh): Bright, shining
- Elektra (eh-LEK-truh): Amber, shining
- Elena (eh-LEH-nuh): Bright, shining light
- Elysia (eh-LIZH-ee-uh): Blissful, heavenly
- Eos (EE-os): Goddess of the dawn
- Eulalia (yoo-LAY-lee-uh): Sweetly speaking
- Evadne (EV-ad-nee): Pleasing, charming
- Evangeline (ev-an-juh-leen): Messenger of good news
- Evanthia (ev-AN-thee-uh): Blooming, flourishing
- Faidra (FAY-druh): Bright, shining
- Galatea (gal-uh-TEE-uh): White as milk, goddess of calm seas
- Hebe (HEE-bee): Youth, prime of life
- Helen (HEL-en): Light, torch
- Helene (HEL-een): Light, torch
- Hera (HEE-ruh): Queen of the gods
- Iliana (ih-lee-AH-nuh): Bright, shining
- Kalista (kuh-LIS-tuh): Most beautiful
- Kalliope (kuh-LIE-uh-pee): Beautiful voice
- Kallista (kuh-LIS-tuh): Most beautiful
- Kallisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful
- Kalonice (kuh-LON-i-see): Beautiful victory
- Karissa (kuh-RISS-uh): Very dear
- Kleio (KLEE-oh): Glory
- Melita (meh-LEE-tuh): Honey-sweet
- Nefertari (neh-fur-TAR-ee): Beautiful companion
- Nereida (neh-RAY-duh): Sea nymph
- Nerissa (neh-RISS-uh): Sea nymph
- Phaedra (FEE-druh): Bright
- Phoebe (FEE-bee): Bright, radiant
- Selene (suh-LEE-nee): Moon
- Thalia (THAY-lee-uh): Blooming, flourishing
Gender Neutral Greek Names that Mean Beautiful

Following is the list of Greek names that mean beautiful for any gender, along with their pronunciation and meaning:
- Adara (ah-DAH-ruh): Beauty
- Adonis (uh-DON-is): Beautiful youth in Greek mythology
- Calliope (kuh-LIE-uh-pee): Beautiful voice
- Charis (KAR-is): Grace, beauty
- Kalos (KAH-lohs): Beautiful, noble
- Nefertari (neh-fur-TAR-ee): Beautiful companion
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