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581 Ancient Greek Names with Meanings

581 Ancient Greek Names with Meanings

Ancient Greek names are a treasure trove of beauty and meaning. Whether you’re expecting a baby, writing a story, or simply intrigued by ancient cultures, this list of 581 names is sure to captivate you. Scroll down to discover the perfect name that resonates with you or your character in a whole new light.

Ancient Greek Male Names

Following are the list of ancient Greek names for baby boy along with their pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Acacius (uh-KAY-kee-uhs): Thorny, thorny tree
  2. Achaikos (uh-KAY-kohs): Achaean, belonging to Achaia
  3. Achilles (uh-KIL-eez): Pain, distress
  4. Achilleus (uh-KIL-yoos): Pain, distress
  5. Adamantios (ah-dah-MAHN-tee-ohs): Unconquerable, adamant
  6. Aeschylus (ES-kuh-luhs): Shame, disgrace
  7. Aesop (EE-sop): Uncertain, possibly “Ethiopian”
  8. Agapetos (uh-GAP-uh-tuhs): Beloved, esteemed
  9. Agapetus (uh-GAP-uh-tuhs): Beloved, esteemed
  10. Agapios (uh-GAP-ee-ohs): Lovely, graceful
  11. Agathinos (uh-GATH-uh-nohs): Good, kind
  12. Agathinus (uh-GATH-uh-nuhs): Good, kind
  13. Agathon (AG-uh-thon): Good, honorable
  14. Aischylos (EYE-skuh-luhs): Shame, disgrace
  15. Aisopos (EYE-soh-pos): Uncertain, possibly “Ethiopian”
  16. Akakios (uh-KAY-kee-uhs): Harmless, not evil
  17. Alcaeus (al-SEE-uhs): Strength, power
  18. Alcibiades (al-SIB-ee-uh-deez): Strength of the people
  19. Alexander (al-ig-ZAN-duhr): Defender of the people
  20. Alexandros (al-ig-ZAN-dros): Defender of the people
  21. Alexios (al-ig-ZEE-ohs): Defender
  22. Alexis (uh-LEK-sis): Defender
  23. Alexius (uh-LEK-see-uhs): Defender
  24. Alkaios (al-KAY-uhs): Strength, power
  25. Alkibiades (al-SIB-ee-uh-deez): Strength of the people
  26. Ambrosios (am-BROH-see-uhs): Immortal, divine
  27. Ambrosius (am-BROH-shee-uhs): Immortal, divine
  28. Ampelios (am-PEL-ee-uhs): Vine
  29. Ampelius (am-PEL-yuhs): Vine
  30. Amyntas (uh-MIN-tuhs): Defender
  31. Anacletus (an-uh-KLEE-tuhs): Called back, invoked
  32. Anakletos (an-uh-KLEE-tohs): Called back, invoked
  33. Anastasios (ah-nah-STAH-see-uhs): Resurrection
  34. Anastasius (ah-nah-STAY-zee-uhs): Resurrection
  35. Anatolios (ah-nah-TOH-lee-uhs): Rising sun, east
  36. Anatolius (ah-nah-TOH-lee-uhs): Rising sun, east
  37. Anaxagoras (an-uhk-SAG-uh-ruhs): Master of the assembly
  38. Andreas (AN-dree-uhs): Manly, brave
  39. Androcles (AN-droh-kleez): Glory of man
  40. Androkles (AN-droh-kleez): Glory of man
  41. Andronicus (an-DRAHN-ih-kuhs): Victory of a man
  42. Andronikos (an-DROH-ni-kuhs): Victory of a man
  43. Anicetus (an-ih-SEE-tuhs): Unconquerable
  44. Aniketos (an-ih-KEE-tohs): Unconquerable
  45. Antigonos (an-TIG-uh-nuhs): Descendant of Antigone
  46. Antigonus (an-TIG-uh-nuhs): Descendant of Antigone
  47. Antikles (AN-ti-kleez): Against glory
  48. Antiochos (an-TIE-uh-kuhs): Against the enemy
  49. Antiochus (an-TIE-uh-kuhs): Against the enemy
  50. Antipater (AN-ti-pay-tuhr): Like the father
  51. Antipatros (an-TI-pah-tros): Like the father
  52. Aphrodisios (af-roh-DIZ-ee-os): Of Aphrodite
  53. Apollinaris (ap-uh-lin-AIR-is): Of Apollo
  54. Apollodoros (ap-uh-LOD-or-os): Gift of Apollo
  55. Apollonides (ap-uh-LON-i-deez): Descendant of Apollo
  56. Apollonios (ap-uh-LOH-nee-os): Devoted to Apollo
  57. Apollonius (ap-uh-LOH-nee-uhs): Devoted to Apollo
  58. Arcadius (ahr-KAY-dee-uhs): From Arcadia
  59. Archelaos (ahr-KEE-lay-uhs): People’s ruler
  60. Archelaus (ahr-KEE-lay-uhs): People’s ruler
  61. Archimedes (ahr-kuh-MEE-deez): Master of thought
  62. Archippos (ahr-KIP-os): Master of horses
  63. Archippus (ahr-KIP-uhs): Master of horses
  64. Argyros (AHR-jih-rohs): Silver
  65. Aristarchos (uh-RIS-tar-kohs): Best ruler
  66. Aristarchus (uh-RIS-tar-kuhs): Best ruler
  67. Aristeides (ar-is-TIE-deez): Best type
  68. Aristides (ar-IS-ti-deez): Best type
  69. Aristocles (ar-is-TOK-leez): Best glory
  70. Aristodemos (ar-is-TOD-uh-mos): Best strength
  71. Aristokles (ar-IS-toh-kleez): Best glory
  72. Ariston (ar-i-ston): Best
  73. Aristophanes (ar-i-sto-fay-neez): Best appearance
  74. Aristoteles (ar-i-sto-TEH-leez): Best purpose
  75. Aristotle (ar-i-sto-tuhl): Best purpose
  76. Arkadios (ar-KAY-dee-uhs): Of Arcadia
  77. Arsenios (ar-SEE-nee-ohs): Virile
  78. Arsenius (ar-SEE-nee-uhs): Virile
  79. Artemidoros (ar-tem-ID-or-uhs): Gift of Artemis
  80. Artemios (ar-TEM-ee-os): Of Artemis
  81. Artemisios (ar-TEM-iz-ee-uhs): Of Artemis
  82. Artemius (ar-TEEM-ee-uhs): Of Artemis
  83. Artemon (ar-TEEM-on): Of Artemis
  84. Asclepiades (as-KLEP-ee-uh-deez): Descendant of Asclepius
  85. Asklepiades (ASK-lee-pee-uh-deez): Descendant of Asclepius
  86. Asterios (as-TEER-ee-os): Starry
  87. Asterius (as-TEER-ee-uhs): Starry
  88. Athanas (ah-THAH-nahs): Immortal
  89. Athanasios (ah-thah-NAH-see-ohs): Immortal
  90. Athanasius (ah-thah-NAY-zee-uhs): Immortal
  91. Athenodoros (ah-thuh-NOH-dor-uhs): Gift of Athena
  92. Atticus (AT-i-kuhs): From Attica
  93. Attikos (AT-i-kuhs): From Attica
  94. Auxentios (aw-KSEN-tee-uhs): Increasing
  95. Auxentius (aw-KSEN-tee-uhs): Increasing
  96. Basileios (bah-si-LAY-ohs): Kingly
  97. Basilius (buh-SIL-ee-uhs): Kingly
  98. Bion (BYE-on): Life
  99. Callias (KAH-lee-uhs): Beautiful
  100. Callinicus (kuh-LIN-i-kuhs): Glorious beauty
  101. Cassander (kuh-SAN-duhr): Man’s defender
  102. Chares (KAR-eez): Grace, kindness
  103. Charilaos (kar-IL-ay-uhs): Joy of the people
  104. Chariton (KAR-i-ton): Grace, kindness
  105. Chrestos (KRES-tos): Good, useful
  106. Chrysanthos (kris-AN-thos): Golden flower
  107. Cleisthenes (KLIS-thee-neez): Glory of the father
  108. Cleitus (KLY-tuhs): Illustrious
  109. Cleon (KLEE-on): Famous
  110. Clisthenes (KLIS-thee-neez): Glory of the father
  111. Clitus (KLIE-tuhs): Illustrious
  112. Cosmas (KAWZ-muhs): Order, decency
  113. Cyrillus (si-RIL-uhs): Lordly
  114. Damianos (duh-MEE-uh-nohs): Tame, tameable
  115. Damianus (duh-MEE-uh-nuhs): Tame, tameable
  116. Demetrios (duh-MEE-tree-uhs): Belonging to Demeter
  117. Demetrius (dih-MEE-tree-uhs): Belonging to Demeter
  118. Democritus (dee-MAH-kri-tuhs): Chosen of the people
  119. Demokritos (dee-MAH-kri-tohs): Chosen of the people
  120. Demon (DEE-mon): Spirit
  121. Demophon (DEE-muh-fon): Manhood, manly voice
  122. Demosthenes (di-MOS-the-neez): Strong in the people
  123. Diocles (DIE-uh-kleez): Glorious people
  124. Diodoros (dy-OH-dor-os): Gift of Zeus
  125. Diodorus (dy-OH-dor-uhs): Gift of Zeus
  126. Diodotos (dy-OH-doh-tuhs): Given by Zeus
  127. Diodotus (dy-OH-doh-tuhs): Given by Zeus
  128. Diogenes (dye-OG-uh-neez): Born of Zeus
  129. Diokles (DIE-uh-kleez): Glorious people
  130. Dion (DY-ahn): God
  131. Dionysios (dy-oh-NIS-ee-uhs): Of Dionysos
  132. Dionysius (dy-oh-NIS-ee-uhs): Of Dionysos
  133. Dionysodoros (dy-oh-nis-oh-DOR-uhs): Gift of Dionysos
  134. Draco (DRAY-koh): Dragon
  135. Drakon (DRAY-kon): Dragon
  136. Eirenaios (ay-REN-ay-uhs): Peaceful
  137. Epaphras (EP-uh-fruhs): Lovely
  138. Epaphroditos (EP-uh-froh-DIE-tuhs): Loved by Aphrodite
  139. Epaphroditus (EP-uh-froh-DIE-tuhs): Loved by Aphrodite
  140. Epiktetos (EP-ik-TEE-tuhs): Acquired
  141. Epiphanes (ih-PIF-uh-neez): Manifest
  142. Epiphanios (ih-PIF-uh-nee-uhs): Manifest
  143. Epiphanius (ih-PIF-uh-nee-uhs): Manifest
  144. Erasmos (uh-RAS-muhs): Beloved
  145. Erastos (ih-RAS-tuhs): Beloved
  146. Euaristos (yoo-AR-is-tos): Good, useful
  147. Euclid (YOO-klid): Glorious fame
  148. Euclides (YOO-klid-eez): Glorious fame
  149. Eudoxos (YOO-dok-sos): Good opinion
  150. Eugenios (yoo-JEE-nee-uhs): Well born
  151. Eugenius (yoo-JEE-nee-uhs): Well born
  152. Eugraphios (yoo-GRAY-fee-uhs): Well written
  153. Eukleides (yoo-KLEE-deez): Glorious fame
  154. Euphemios (yoo-FEE-mee-uhs): Spoken well of
  155. Euphranor (yoo-FRAY-nor): Bringer of joy
  156. Euripides (yoo-RIP-uh-deez): Good rider
  157. Eusebios (yoo-SEE-bee-uhs): Pious
  158. Eusebius (yoo-SEE-bee-uhs): Pious
  159. Eustachys (yoo-STAY-kuhs): Fruitful
  160. Eustathios (yoo-STAY-thee-uhs): Fruitful
  161. Eustathius (yoo-STAY-thee-uhs): Fruitful
  162. Eustorgios (yoo-STOR-jee-uhs): Laborer, farmer
  163. Eustorgius (yoo-STOR-jee-uhs): Laborer, farmer
  164. Euthymios (yoo-THIM-ee-uhs): Cheerful
  165. Euthymius (yoo-THIM-ee-uhs): Cheerful
  166. Eutropios (yoo-TROH-pee-uhs): Well-turned
  167. Eutropius (yoo-TROH-pee-uhs): Well-turned
  168. Eutychios (yoo-TEE-kee-uhs): Fortunate
  169. Eutychius (yoo-TEE-kee-uhs): Fortunate
  170. Eutychos (yoo-TEE-koos): Fortunate
  171. Evaristus (ee-VAHR-is-tuhs): Well-pleasing
  172. Gaios (GAY-ohs): Earthworker
  173. Galenos (GAY-luh-nohs): Calm, tranquil
  174. Gennadios (je-NAY-dee-uhs): Noble, well-born
  175. Gennadius (je-NAY-dee-uhs): Noble, well-born
  176. Georgios (yor-YEE-ohs): Farmer
  177. Georgius (JOR-jee-uhs): Farmer
  178. Heliodoros (hee-lee-oh-DOH-ros): Gift of the sun
  179. Heracleitus (her-uh-KLEE-tuhs): Glory of Hera
  180. Heraclides (her-AK-luh-deez): Son of Heracles
  181. Heraclitus (her-uh-KLY-tuhs): Glory of Hera
  182. Heraclius (her-uh-KLY-uhs): Glory of Hera
  183. Herakleides (her-ak-LAY-deez): Son of Heracles
  184. Herakleios (her-uh-KLAY-ohs): Glory of Hera
  185. Herakleitos (her-uh-KLAY-tohs): Glory of Hera
  186. Hermagoras (her-MAHG-uh-ruhs): Messenger of Hermes
  187. Hermes (HUR-meez): Interpreter
  188. Hermogenes (hur-MOJ-uh-neez): Born of Hermes
  189. Hermokrates (hur-MAHK-ruh-teez): Power of Hermes
  190. Hermolaos (her-MOHL-ay-uhs): People’s prize
  191. Hero (HEE-roh): Protector
  192. Herodotos (he-ROH-doh-tohs): Given by the goddess Hera
  193. Herodotus (he-ROH-duh-tuhs): Given by the goddess Hera
  194. Heroides (HEE-roh-ee-deez): Heroic
  195. Heroidion (he-ROY-dee-on): Heroic
  196. Heron (HEER-on): Hero
  197. Hesiod (HEE-zee-uhd): Healer
  198. Hesiodos (hee-SEE-uh-dohs): Healer
  199. Hesperos (HES-puh-rohs): Evening
  200. Hieronymos (hi-uh-RON-uh-muhs): Sacred name
  201. Hieronymus (hi-uh-RON-uh-muhs): Sacred name
  202. Hilarion (hil-AYR-ee-ahn): Cheerful
  203. Hippocrates (hi-POK-ruh-teez): Horse power
  204. Hippokrates (hi-POK-ruh-teez): Horse power
  205. Hippolytos (hi-POL-uh-tuhs): Freed by horses
  206. Homer (HOH-muhr): Hostage
  207. Homeros (HOH-muh-rohs): Hostage
  208. Hyacinthus (hy-uh-SIN-thuhs): Blue larkspur
  209. Hyakinthos (hy-uh-KIN-thuhs): Blue larkspur
  210. Hyginos (HIJ-uh-nohs): Healthy
  211. Hyginus (HIJ-uh-nuhs): Healthy
  212. Hypatos (HI-puh-tohs): High, supreme
  213. Iason (ee-AH-suhn): Healer
  214. Irenaeus (eye-ree-NEE-uhs): Peaceful
  215. Ireneus (eye-ree-NEE-uhs): Peaceful
  216. Isidoros (eye-SID-uh-ruhs): Gift of Isis
  217. Isocrates (eye-SOK-ruh-teez): Equal power
  218. Isokrates (eye-SOK-ruh-teez): Equal power
  219. Kallias (KAL-ee-uhs): Beautiful
  220. Kallikrates (kal-ee-KRAY-teez): Beautiful power
  221. Kallinikos (kal-ih-NYE-koos): Beautiful victory
  222. Kallippos (KAL-ih-pohs): Beautiful horse
  223. Kallistos (KAL-ih-stohs): Most beautiful
  224. Karpos (KAHR-pohs): Fruit
  225. Kassandros (kah-SAN-drohs): Shining upon men
  226. Kleisthenes (KLYS-thee-neez): Famous strength
  227. Kleitos (KLY-tuhs): Famous, illustrious
  228. Kleon (KLEE-on): Glorious
  229. Kleopatros (klee-OP-uh-trohs): Father’s glory
  230. Kosmas (KOZ-muhs): Order, beauty
  231. Kyriakos (kee-ree-AH-kos): Of the lord
  232. Kyrillos (kee-REE-lohs): Lordly
  233. Leon (LEE-on): Lion
  234. Leonidas (lee-uh-NYE-duhs): Son of the lion
  235. Leontios (lee-AHN-tee-ohs): Lion-like
  236. Leontius (lee-AHN-tee-uhs): Lion-like
  237. Leucippus (LOO-si-puhs): White horse
  238. Leukippos (LOO-ki-puhs): White horse
  239. Linos (LEE-nuhs): Flaxen, blond
  240. Linus (LYE-nuhs): Flaxen-haired
  241. Loukianos (loo-kee-AH-nohs): From Lucania
  242. Lycurgus (LY-kuhr-guhs): Wolf-worker
  243. Lycus (LY-kuhs): Wolf
  244. Lydos (LY-dohs): From Lydia
  245. Lykos (LY-kohs): Wolf-like
  246. Lykourgos (LY-kur-guhs): Wolf-worker
  247. Lysander (LY-san-duhr): Liberator of men
  248. Lysandros (LY-san-drohs): Liberator of men
  249. Lysimachos (LY-si-muh-kuhs): Liberator in battle
  250. Lysimachus (LY-si-muh-kuhs): Liberator in battle
  251. Markos (MAHR-kos): From the god Mars
  252. Melanthios (meh-LAN-thee-ohs): Black flower
  253. Meliton (meh-LEE-tahn): Sweet
  254. Menander (meh-NAN-duhr): Remaining of the army
  255. Menandros (meh-NAN-drohs): Remaining of the army
  256. Menelaos (men-uh-LAY-uhs): Fury of the people
  257. Metrophanes (me-TROH-fuh-neez): Manifesting oneself
  258. Miltiades (mil-TYE-uh-deez): Red Earth
  259. Mnason (MAY-suhn): Remembering
  260. Neon (NEE-on): New, youthful
  261. Neophytos (nee-OH-fee-tohs): Newly planted
  262. Nereus (NEER-yoos): Water
  263. Nicander (ni-KAN-duhr): Victor of men
  264. Nicanor (ni-KAY-nawr): Conqueror of men
  265. Nicodemus (ni-KAH-dih-muhs): Victory of the people
  266. Nicolaus (ni-KOH-luhs): Victory of the people
  267. Nicomachus (ni-KOH-muh-kuhs): Victory of the battle
  268. Nicomedes (ni-KOH-mi-deez): Intending victory
  269. Nicostratus (ni-KOH-struh-tuhs): Army of victory
  270. Nikandros (ni-KAN-drohs): Victor of men
  271. Nikanor (ni-KAY-nawr): Conqueror of men
  272. Nikephoros (ni-KEF-uh-ruhs): Bearer of victory
  273. Niketas (ni-KEE-tuhs): Winner
  274. Nikias (ni-KY-uhs): Victor
  275. Nikodemos (ni-KOH-dee-muhs): Victory of the people
  276. Nikolaos (ni-KOH-lay-uhs): Victory of the people
  277. Nikomachos (ni-KOH-muh-kuhs): Victory of the battle
  278. Nikomedes (ni-KOH-mi-deez): Intending victory
  279. Nikon (NEE-kawn): Conqueror
  280. Nikostratos (ni-KOH-struh-tohs): Army of victory
  281. Nymphas (NIM-fuhs): Bridegroom
  282. Nymphodoros (NIM-foh-daw-ruhs): Gift of the bridegroom
  283. Olympas (oh-LIM-puhs): From Olympus
  284. Olympiodoros (oh-lim-pee-oh-DOH-ruhs): Gift of Olympus
  285. Olympos (OH-lim-pohs): From Olympus
  286. Onesimos (oh-NEE-see-muhs): Profitable, useful
  287. Onesiphoros (oh-NEH-sih-for-uhs): Bringing profit
  288. Origenes (aw-RIJ-uh-neez): Born of the earth
  289. Pamphilos (PAM-fuh-luhs): Lover of all
  290. Pamphilus (PAM-fuh-luhs): Lover of all
  291. Pancratius (pan-KRAY-shee-uhs): All-powerful
  292. Pankratios (pan-KRAY-tee-uhs): All-powerful
  293. Pantaleon (pan-tuh-LEE-awn): Lion of all
  294. Panther (PAN-thuhr): Panther
  295. Pantheras (PAN-thuh-rahs): Panther
  296. Paramonos (puh-RAH-maw-nuhs): Persevering, steadfast
  297. Pelagios (puh-LAY-jee-ohs): Of the sea
  298. Pelagius (puh-LAY-jee-uhs): Of the sea
  299. Pericles (PER-i-kleez): Surrounded by glory
  300. Perikles (PEH-ri-kleez): Surrounded by glory
  301. Phaedrus (FEE-drus): Bright
  302. Phaidros (FAY-drohs): Bright
  303. Philadelphos (fi-LA-del-fuhs): Brother-loving
  304. Philadelphus (fi-LA-del-fuhs): Brother-loving
  305. Philandros (fi-LAN-drohs): Man-loving
  306. Philemon (FIL-uh-mawn): Affectionate
  307. Philippos (FIL-ip-ohs): Lover of horses
  308. Philo (FEE-loh): Loving
  309. Philokrates (fil-uh-KRAY-teez): Lover of power
  310. Philon (FEE-lawn): Friendly
  311. Philotheos (FIL-uh-thee-uhs): Lover of God
  312. Phocas (FOH-kuhs): Seal
  313. Phoibos (FOY-baws): Shining, bright
  314. Phokas (FOH-kuhs): Seal
  315. Photios (FOH-tee-ohs): Bright
  316. Plato (PLAY-toh): Broad, flat
  317. Platon (PLAY-tawn): Broad, flat
  318. Ploutarchos (PLOO-tahr-kos): Wealthy leader
  319. Polycarp (PAH-lee-kahrp): Much fruit
  320. Polykarpos (PAH-lee-kahr-paws): Much fruit
  321. Porphyrios (por-FEE-ree-ohs): Purple
  322. Praxiteles (prak-SIT-uh-leez): Executor of deeds
  323. Prochoros (PROH-kuh-ruhs): Leader of the dance
  324. Ptolemaeus (tuh-LEM-ee-uhs): Warlike
  325. Ptolemaios (tuh-LEM-ee-ohs): Warlike
  326. Pyrrhos (PEER-ohs): Flame-colored
  327. Pyrrhus (PEER-uhs): Flame-colored
  328. Pythagoras (pi-THAG-uh-ruhs): Speaker of Pythian oracles
  329. Seleucus (suh-LOO-kuhs): Secure
  330. Seleukos (suh-LOO-kaws): Secure
  331. Serapion (SEH-ruh-pee-awn): Reverent
  332. Simon (SY-mawn): Listener
  333. Simonides (suh-MON-i-deez): Listener
  334. Socrates (SAHK-ruh-teez): Whole strength
  335. Sokrates (SOH-kruh-teez): Whole strength
  336. Solon (SOH-lawn): Wisely
  337. Sophocles (SAHF-uh-kleez): Clever glory
  338. Sophokles (SOHF-aw-kleez): Clever glory
  339. Sophos (SOH-fohs): Clever
  340. Sophron (SOH-fron): Self-controlled
  341. Sophus (SOH-foos): Clever
  342. Sosigenes (saw-SIJ-uh-neez): Born safely
  343. Stephanos (STEF-uh-nohs): Crowned
  344. Straton (STRAY-tawn): Army
  345. Telesphoros (tuh-LES-fohr-uhs): Bearer of completion
  346. Telesphorus (tuh-LES-fohr-uhs): Bearer of completion
  347. Thales (THAY-leez): Flourishing
  348. Themistocles (thuh-MIS-tuh-kleez): Glorious law
  349. Themistokles (thuh-MIS-tuh-kleez): Glorious strength
  350. Theocritus (thee-AW-kri-tuhs): God’s judge
  351. Theodoros (thee-AW-daw-ruhs): Gift of god
  352. Theodorus (thee-AW-daw-ruhs): Gift of god
  353. Theodosios (thee-uh-DOH-see-uhs): God’s gift
  354. Theodosius (thee-uh-DOH-see-uhs): God’s gift
  355. Theodotos (thee-AW-daw-tuhs): Gift of god
  356. Theodotus (thee-AW-daw-tuhs): Gift of god
  357. Theodoulos (thee-AW-doo-luhs): Slave of god
  358. Theodulus (thee-AW-dyoo-luhs): Slave of god
  359. Theokritos (thee-AW-kri-tuhs): God’s judge
  360. Theophanes (thee-AW-fuh-neez): Revealer of god
  361. Theophilos (thee-AW-fuh-luhs): Lover of god
  362. Theophilus (thee-AW-fuh-luhs): Lover of god
  363. Theophylaktos (thee-AW-fuh-lak-tuhs): Guarded by god
  364. Theotimos (thee-AW-tee-maws): Esteemed by god
  365. Theotimus (thee-AW-tee-muhs): Esteemed by god
  366. Theron (THAY-rawn): Hunter
  367. Thoukydides (THOO-ki-deez): Glory of God
  368. Thrasyboulos (THRAH-si-boo-luhs): Bold counselor
  369. Thucydides (thoo-SID-i-deez): Glory of God
  370. Timaeus (tim-EE-uhs): Honor
  371. Timaios (tim-EYE-uhs): Honor
  372. Timoleon (tim-oh-LEE-awn): Honoring the people
  373. Timon (TY-mawn): Honor
  374. Timoteus (ti-MOH-tee-uhs): Honoring god
  375. Timotheos (ti-MOH-thee-ohs): Honoring god
  376. Trophimos (TROH-fee-maws): Nourishing
  377. Trophimus (TROH-fee-muhs): Nourishing
  378. Tryphon (TRY-fawn): Nourishing
  379. Tychon (TIK-awn): Hitting the mark
  380. Xanthippos (ZAN-thih-paws): Yellow horse
  381. Xanthos (ZAN-thaws): Yellow
  382. Xenagoras (ZEN-uh-gaw-ruhs): Foreign assembly
  383. Xenocrates (zen-AW-kruh-teez): Foreign power
  384. Xenokrates (zen-AW-krey-teez): Foreign ruler
  385. Xenon (ZEE-nawn): Foreigner
  386. Xenophon (ZEE-nuh-fawn): Foreign voice
  387. Zeno (ZEE-noh): Gift of Zeus
  388. Zenobios (ze-NOW-byaws): Life of Zeus
  389. Zenon (ZEE-nawn): Living being
  390. Zephyros (ZEF-uh-ros): West wind
  391. Zoilos (ZOH-i-lohs): Envious
  392. Zoilus (ZOH-i-lohs): Envious
  393. Zopyros (ZAW-puh-ruhs): Gift of Zeus
  394. Zosimos (ZOH-see-maws): Likely to survive
  395. Zosimus (ZOH-see-muhs): Likely to survive
  396. Zoticus (zoh-TI-kuhs): Full of life
  397. Zotikos (ZOH-ti-koos): Full of life

Ancient Greek Female Names

Following are the list of ancient Greek names for baby girl along with their pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Agape (AH-gah-pee): Love
  2. Agatha (AG-uh-thuh): Good
  3. Agathe (AG-ah-thee): Good
  4. Agnes (AG-nis): Chaste, pure
  5. Aikaterine (eye-kah-tuh-REEN): Pure
  6. Alexandra (ah-lek-SAN-druh): Defender of mankind
  7. Ambrosia (am-BROH-zhuh): Immortal
  8. Anastasia (ah-nuh-STAY-zhuh): Resurrection
  9. Anthousa (ahn-THOO-sah): Flower
  10. Antikleia (an-tih-KLEE-uh): Against glory
  11. Aphrodisia (af-roh-DIZ-ee-uh): From Aphrodite
  12. Apollonia (ap-uh-LOH-nee-uh): Of Apollo
  13. Archippe (AHR-ki-pee): Master of horses
  14. Arete (uh-REE-tee): Excellence
  15. Aristomache (ah-ris-TOH-muh-kee): Best of war
  16. Arsinoe (ahr-SIN-oh-ee): Daughter of a hero
  17. Artemisia (ar-tuh-MEE-zhuh): Dedicated to Artemis
  18. Aspasia (as-PAY-zhuh): Welcomed
  19. Athanasia (ah-thuh-NAY-zhuh): Immortal
  20. Athenais (ah-thuh-NEYS): Of Athena
  21. Berenice (buh-REN-i-see): Bringing victory
  22. Berenike (buh-REN-i-kee): Bringing victory
  23. Chariclea (kar-i-KLEE-uh): Grace of joy
  24. Charikleia (kar-i-KLEE-uh): Grace of joy
  25. Charis (KAR-is): Grace
  26. Charmion (SHAR-mee-awn): Graceful
  27. Chloe (KLOH-ee): Green shoot
  28. Chrysanthe (kri-SAN-thee): Golden flower
  29. Cleopatra (klee-uh-PAT-ruh): Glory of the father
  30. Cléopâtre (kle-oh-PAHT-ruh): Glory of the father
  31. Corinna (kaw-RIN-uh): Maiden
  32. Corinthia (kaw-RIN-thee-uh): From Corinth
  33. Demetria (di-MEE-tree-uh): Of Demeter
  34. Demostrate (di-MOS-trayt): People ruler
  35. Doris (DAWR-is): Gift
  36. Eirene (eye-REE-nee): Peace
  37. Elpis (EL-pis): Hope
  38. Euanthe (yoo-AN-thee): Blooming
  39. Eudocia (yoo-DOH-shuh): Good reputation
  40. Eudokia (yoo-DOH-kee-uh): Goodwill
  41. Eudoxia (yoo-DOHK-see-uh): Good opinion
  42. Eugeneia (yoo-JEE-nee-uh): Nobility
  43. Eugenia (yoo-JEE-nee-uh): Well-born
  44. Eulalia (yoo-LAY-lee-uh): Well-spoken
  45. Eumelia (yoo-MEE-lee-uh): Melody
  46. Eunike (yoo-NY-kee): Victory
  47. Euodia (yoo-OH-dee-uh): Good journey
  48. Euphemia (yoo-FEE-mee-uh): Well-spoken
  49. Euphrasia (yoo-FRAY-zhuh): Delight
  50. Eupraxia (yoo-PRAX-ee-uh): Good conduct
  51. Euthalia (yoo-THAY-lee-uh): Blooming
  52. Euthymia (yoo-THIM-ee-uh): Cheerfulness
  53. Eutropia (yoo-TROH-pee-uh): Good direction
  54. Eutychia (yoo-TIK-ee-uh): Good luck
  55. Gaiana (gai-AH-nuh): Earthly
  56. Gaiane (gai-AHN): Earthly
  57. Galene (guh-LEE-nee): Serene
  58. Glaphyra (GLAF-uh-ruh): Graceful
  59. Hagne (HAHG-nee): Pure
  60. Helena (heh-LEE-nuh): Bright, shining light
  61. Helene (heh-LEEN): Torch, moon
  62. Herais (heh-RAY-ees): Of the hero
  63. Heroidias (heh-ROY-dee-uhs): Hero’s gift
  64. Hypatia (hy-PAY-shuh): Highest
  65. Irene (eye-REEN): Peace
  66. Isidora (iz-ih-DOR-uh): Gift of Isis
  67. Kallisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful
  68. Kallistrate (kuh-LIS-trayt): Beautiful army
  69. Kassandra (kuh-SAN-druh): She who entangles men
  70. Kleopatra (klee-uh-PAT-ruh): Glory of the father
  71. Korinna (kaw-RIN-uh): Maiden
  72. Korinthia (kaw-RIN-thee-uh): From Corinth
  73. Laodice (lay-OD-uh-see): Justice of the people
  74. Laodike (lay-OD-i-kee): Justice of the people
  75. Leontia (lee-AHN-tee-uh): Lioness
  76. Ligeia (li-JEE-uh): Clear-voiced
  77. Lysandra (ly-SAN-druh): Liberator of men
  78. Lysistrata (li-SIS-trah-tuh): She who disbands armies
  79. Lysistrate (li-SIS-trayt): She who disbands armies
  80. Melissa (muh-LIS-uh): Honeybee
  81. Melite (MEL-i-tee): Honey
  82. Melitta (muh-LIT-uh): Honey
  83. Menodora (muh-NOH-dor-uh): Gift of the moon
  84. Metrodora (me-tro-DOR-uh): Gift of the mother
  85. Myrrhine (muhr-EEN): Fragrant
  86. Myrto (MEER-toh): Myrtle
  87. Nike (NY-kee): Victory
  88. Nympha (NIM-fuh): Nymph
  89. Nymphe (NIM-fee): Nymph
  90. Nymphodora (NIM-foh-DOR-uh): Gift of the nymphs
  91. Olympias (oh-LIM-pee-uhs): From Mount Olympus
  92. Ophelia (oh-FEEL-yuh): Helper
  93. Pelagia (puh-LAY-jee-uh): Of the sea
  94. Pherenike (feh-REN-ih-kee): Bringer of victory
  95. Phile (FEE-lee): Friend, lover
  96. Philomena (fil-oh-MEE-nuh): Lover of strength
  97. Philoumene (fil-OO-muh-nee): Beloved
  98. Phoibe (FOY-bee): Bright, shining
  99. Photina (foh-TEE-nuh): Luminous
  100. Photine (foh-TEE-nee): Luminous
  101. Ptolemais (toh-LEM-ays): Of Ptolemy
  102. Rhode (RO-dee): Rose
  103. Rhodopis (roh-DOH-pis): Rosy-faced
  104. Rhoxane (roh-ZAYN): Bright, shining
  105. Roxana (rohk-SAN-uh): Dawn
  106. Sappho (SAF-oh): Uncertain, possibly “sapphire”
  107. Sophia (soh-FEE-uh): Wisdom
  108. Sostrate (SO-strayt): Safe army
  109. Syntyche (SIN-ti-kee): Occurrence, event
  110. Thaïs (TAH-ees): Possibly “bandage”
  111. Thais (TAH-ees): Variant of Thaïs
  112. Theano (thee-AH-noh): Goddess
  113. Theodora (thee-uh-DOHR-uh): Gift of God
  114. Theodosia (thee-uh-DOH-zee-uh): Gift of God
  115. Theokleia (thee-oh-KLAY-uh): Glory of God
  116. Theophania (thee-oh-FAY-nee-uh): Revelation of God
  117. Theophila (thee-OH-fi-luh): Lover of God
  118. Theophile (THEE-uh-fyl): Lover of God
  119. Timo (TEE-moh): Honoring
  120. Timothea (tim-uh-THEE-uh): Honoring God
  121. Tryphaina (TRIF-ay-nuh): Delicate
  122. Tryphosa (TRIF-uh-suh): Delicate
  123. Xanthe (ZAN-thee): Yellow, blond
  124. Xanthippe (ZAN-thi-pee): Yellow horse
  125. Xenia (ZEE-nee-uh): Hospitality
  126. Xeno (ZEE-noh): Foreigner, guest
  127. Zenais (zeh-NAY-ees): Variant of Zenaida
  128. Zenobia (zeh-NOH-bee-uh): Life of Zeus
  129. Zoe (ZOH-ee): Life
  130. Zosime (ZOH-see-mee): Preserving

Gender Neutral Ancient Greek Names

Following are the list of ancient Greek names suitable for any gender along with their pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Aether (AY-thur): Heavenly, ethereal
  2. Aftonio (ahf-TOH-nee-oh): Sunset, twilight
  3. Agape (ah-GAH-pay): Unconditional love
  4. Aletheia (ah-LEE-thee-ah): Truth, sincerity
  5. Alexi (ah-LEK-see): Defender, protector
  6. Anax (AH-naks): King, ruler
  7. Athos (AY-thohs): Immortal, godlike
  8. Axios (AHK-see-ohs): Worthy, deserving
  9. Bion (BYE-on): Life, vitality
  10. Callisto (kuh-LIS-toh): Most beautiful
  11. Charis (KAR-iss): Grace, kindness
  12. Cleon (KLEE-on): Glorious, famous
  13. Clio (KLEE-oh): Glory, fame
  14. Damaris (DAM-uh-ris): Gentle, calm
  15. Demeter (DEM-ee-ter): Earth mother, fertility
  16. Dion (DY-on): Divine, godly
  17. Elpis (EL-pis): Hope, expectation
  18. Eros (AIR-os): Love, desire
  19. Gaia (GUY-ah): Earth, motherhood
  20. Galen (GAY-len): Calm, healer
  21. Harmonia (har-MOH-nee-ah): Harmony, peace
  22. Hermie (HER-mee): Messenger, swift
  23. Heron (HEH-ron): Graceful, birdlike
  24. Hyacinth (HY-uh-sinth): Flower, rebirth
  25. Icarus (IK-uh-rus): Ambitious, daring
  26. Keah (KEE-ah): Protector, guardian
  27. Kyros (KEER-ohs): Supreme, powerful
  28. Leander (lee-AN-der): Lion man, brave
  29. Lyric (LEER-ik): Musical, poetic
  30. Lysander (lye-SAN-der): Liberator, free
  31. Myrrh (mur): Fragrant resin, healing
  32. Neith (NEETH): Weaver, creator
  33. Nico (NEE-koh): Victorious, conqueror
  34. Nysa (NY-suh): Mountain, height
  35. Ocean (OH-shun): Vastness, depth
  36. Orion (oh-RY-on): Hunter, constellation
  37. Pan (PAN): Nature, wilderness
  38. Pax (PAKS): Peace, tranquility
  39. Phaedrus (FEE-drus): Bright, shining
  40. Philae (FYE-lee): Lover, beloved
  41. Philo (FYE-loh): Affectionate, loving
  42. Platon (PLAY-tuhn): Broad-shouldered, strong
  43. Pytho (PIE-thoh): Oracle, prophecy
  44. Rhys (rees): Enthusiasm, ardor
  45. Selene (seh-LEE-nee): Moon, illumination
  46. Solon (SOH-lon): Wise, thoughtful
  47. Tethys (TEE-this): Sea goddess, mother
  48. Thales (THAY-leez): Blossoming, flourishing
  49. Thallos (THAHL-ohs): Green, youthful
  50. Theon (THEE-on): Divine, godlike
  51. Theron (THAY-ron): Hunter, brave
  52. Zenon (ZEE-non): Zealous, passionate
  53. Zephyr (ZEH-fur): Gentle breeze, refreshing

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